Never suggest a fish to teach him to swim

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Can coral fish change at will?

Sexual behavior of fish living on coral reefs is very complex. Bulls, for example, become men or women only after they become fully grown animals.The decisive importance is the floor congener, which happens to have a fish mating season. If during the search for a sexual partner the bull meets with a man, he becomes female, if with a female - male. The bulls can repeatedly change the sex of each pair.The majority of other reef fish can only change sex "in one direction." This applies, for example, to fish clowns, where all women have been men at first. If a man loses a boyfriend, and then knows a smaller man, he can turn into a woman (for clown fish, big husband is always female, and little man is male). But this fish can only change the sexes: the female never turns into a male.

The flexible sexual behavior of reef fish is easily explained: as coral reefs are full of predators, and it is not easy to find sexual partners here, they must use every opportunity to leave their offspring.


What does a fish need for a good life?

Although fish live in water, they, like other animals, need oxygen to breathe. Fish, without oxygen, after a few minutes, died from suffocation. That is why water quality is very important for fish life. It must contain enough oxygen, little toxic and other harmful substances and have the same acidity as the water drunk by people.
Some fish eat plants, others need animal foods. The basis of the diet of many species of fish is zooplankton - crustaceans and other small animals that feed on the surface of water bodies, feeding microscopic plants (phytoplankton). Because living conditions in the waters are no less diverse as on land, fish differ greatly in appearance, needs and behavior.


What gives courage to the fish?

Fish has a complex, unpredictable behavior. Like higher vertebrates, they can learn from their own experiences and change their behavior accordingly. Thus, the events of past lives and observations of relatives' behavior can turn shy fish into aggressors, and brave people become cowards. After suffering defeat in multiple battles with the brothers,some trout actually lost their former courage, and the winners suddenly gained confidence in their own strength. Sometimes, in order to reevaluate their abilities, a fish simply observes the behavior of other representatives of its own species. Faced with a shy person, cowards become bolder, but an aggressive person immediately puts them in place.

Coral goby, or lemon gobiodon, is one of the most shy fish in the world. He will not be forced to leave his refuge in the most extreme circumstances. He will remain in his cave, even if the water begins to disappear from him. The coral bull steak takes a bit of oxygen and stays for 4 hours in the air.


Do we need to drink water?

And yes, and no. Sea fish drink water, and freshwater fish do not. Different fish attitudes to water can be explained by the laws of physics, more precisely, by the phenomenon of osmosis. When two liquids (solutes) with different solute concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane (in our case - fish skin), the solvent (water) molecule always moves into a more concentrated solution. Since the concentration of salt in freshwater fish tissue fluids is higher than the surrounding water, water penetrates into the body through the skin and gills according to the osmosis law. Fish, however, should actively remove the water from the body, otherwise it will explode. In marine fish, the opposite is true. The concentration of salt in sea water is higher than their body.Fish, however, should actively remove the water from the body, otherwise it will explode. In marine fish, the opposite is true. The concentration of salt in sea water is higher than their body. Therefore, in order not to wrinkle the skin, sea fish should always absorb water - through the mouth, mucous membranes and gills.


Is the fish asleep?

Yes, but with eyes open (fish have no age). Some fish sleep during the day, others at night. Sleeping, fish hiding in caves, caves or crevices between rocks, sometimes resting on its side or surrounding itself with a layer of mucus, protecting it from predators. The metabolic rate in sleeping fish falls, and it stops responding to many external stimuli.The metabolic rate in sleeping fish falls, and it stops responding to many external stimuli. However, the fish is never completely cut off from the environment. A study of brain electrical activity suggests that the slowest (deepest) sleep phase in fish does not exist. Some fish in dreams continue to swim slowly.


Is fish hunting in the air?

The spray gun is accurately aimed at insects circling in the air or resting on a leaf, and dropping it with a trickle of water from the mouth. The bigger the victims, the stronger the "artillery" bursts out from the fish's mouth. An experienced "shooter" is able to reach the target accurately at an altitude of more than 1.5 m from water. Insects, flying low over the water, sprays are often caught quickly, jumping from water to a height of up to half a meter.Sometimes hunting trout and some other fish is set to hunt for insects.


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