My Tips for I.T. Beginners #4

in #esteem6 years ago

Tip #1

Some employees will ask in confusion why an application have changed in appearance (even if there's not much change at all).

Most application today automatically downloads an update and then install and configure the update on next reboot.

Tell them that the application has updated itself. If they asked you that the app is still updating just tell them to let it finish.

Tip #2

Elderly employees will have a hard time understanding the function of an application they've been using for years (i.e. Thunderbird, Google Chrome, and Firefox).

An employee that's been using Thunderbird for years asked my why an unread email she clicked does not get deducted from the unread in the inbox (it's because she is clicking an already read email).

An unread email in Thunderbird is usually in bold, while an already read email is not in bold.

Tip #3

Some employees will claim that an update on an application they are using is dizzying. There's almost nothing you can do about it. They'll get used to it anyway.

Tip #4

Windows 10 update will make some of your co-employees annoyed.

Tell them to try to turn-off their computer one hour before going home just to see if there's an update on their computer (sometime an update can take about 30 minutes to one hour).

Tip #5

An employee may bang their mouse on the table when the application of computer they using hangs.

If you see someone doing it do not immediately attend to the person, rather, wait for an opportunity to elaborate why their computer or application is hanging. The best time to do it is when they called you for help

Tell them the truth on why their application or their computer is hanging and provide a solution.

Most user only wants a solution not an argument.

I am an I.T. professional (Computer Engineer) working in a private company, a blogger, a father and a husband.




Thanks for such powerful information

Posted using Partiko Android

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