A Weird Windows 10 Experience

in #esteem5 years ago

We all know that Windows computers or Windows 10 in particular does not care if you are accessing another Windows computer in the network using their path name (in lower case).

Then a weird experience struck.

Couple of days ago I am troubleshooting a computer that is having trouble connecting to other Windows computer in the network using their computer name (it can only connect using IP Address).

At first, I tried to access another computer in the network using their computer name (in lowercase), it failed.

But then I noticed that whenever I open a "Run" window in Windows 10 all of the computers in the network are all listed in their upper-case computer name when I begin to type \ (double backslash) into the "Run" window.

When I tried to access a computer using their computer name in upper case, voila, it worked.

What just happened, I said to myself, right from the very beginning that I handled a Windows computer it doesn't care if the computer name you are using is in upper case or lower case.

And another weird thing that I noticed is the sudden existence of the computer names of all the computers in the network whenever I start to type \ in the "Run" window. Weird isn't it?

As far as I know the "Run" window will only remember the names of the computers that you have successfully connected to (be it a computer name or IP Address).

But this computer is something especial. Never did I tried to access all of the computer in this computer that I am troubleshooting right now.

Another weird thing is, this computer that I am troubleshooting cannot connect to any computer using their computer name (be it lower case or uppercase) or an IP Address until you set its Ethernet's IPv4 settings into static.

Weird Windows? Yep.

A Windows bug? A big possibility. Because the problem started when it installed an update under version 1803.

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I am an I.T. professional (Computer Engineer) working in a private company, a blogger, a father and a husband.






Hi prof,
Sorry if this is out of the topic.
My windows 7 will be no longer supported up until next year. My laptop is still good but not that new. What will be my concern if I will keep using it while not upgrading?

Or can you make a blog explaining it further in an easy terms? I m not that techie so that why. Hope it is okay.



Sorry for the very late reply

For a private individual or private user like you your only concern if you keep using it is to keep any anti-virus that you are using to be up-to-date. As long as your antivirus or anti-malware is up-to-date you have nothing to worry about.

Security concerns will be mainly applicable to medium and large offices because they are the ones that are frequently attack by hackers and virus creators alike, but for a private individual or private user like you there is nothing to worry about.

Additional concerns that you have to pay attention will be clicking on links or opening files that sent by a user that you do not know (especially inside email).

But, be very careful even if you are going to click links or open files that sent by an individual that you also know, there’s nothing to lose to call the sender before clicking or opening files sent by them because the frequent origin of attacks by malware and ransomware creators is through email links and attachments.



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