Reality of life: Accepting yourself, your life and your reality.

in #esteem6 years ago


Everyday you have a thoughts, mindset, feeling and how things happen to you. How much is caused by you, how much is caused by someone else? How much is fate, destiny and the results of invisible forces you know nothing about?
These are important questions you need to find a desirable answer to, no matter what you want in life; from the smallest goal to the most grand or dramatic dream, you must also have practical and useful answer to these questions otherwise, it's like trying to get around a stranger city without a direction.

No matter the direction the day is going, you can make it better to sult you desire and want because you actually have the power, ability and the opportunity to do so with just few things passing in front of you everyday which you do actually notice. imagesource

If you find yourself in a good and useful situation, or you encounter a difficult and troubling situation, you can make the best from it no matter what. Accepting life's reality will surely push you to get yourself busy making your own unique positive contribution using whatever you have to get what you want by following certain protocol and process you will surely succeed.

life do not require us to make good, it only ask us to give our best at each level of experience.

Dont look at the event and circumstances of life as things to fight against, but see them as opportunity and process you have to follow to build yourself and grow.

Also see the possibilities in every moment and find a way to give your best to life, for you have no way of knowing how or when the things you do will come back to you just by accepting the reality of life.

some obscure and useless things you believe you learn today could end up playing major roles in your life. In order words, the things you believe it is small favour today may come back to you in few months as a grand opportunity.

the surest way to make yourself happy is to make someone else happy because it will always comes back to you, meaning that whatever you contribute to life will always come to you so always contribute your totally to life.

You never know how life will reflect back at the face you present to it. Life will always has it way to pay you back what you have contributed to it.
The value that you experience from life. That is why the more love you give, the more love you are able to know. Also you words do not end when you speak them and your actions do not stop when you have completed them.

If you accept the reality of life, your words and actions will go out into life and begin to connect you with other people.
Therefore, if you have looking for opportunities, this is the time. If you have been waiting for the right time to move forward, that time has arrived.
And this Is why you will have the power and ability to take action and to make a difference in each moment in your life

let everthing you do be done as if it makes a difference by Williams james

Hope, dreams, and wishes can be powerful and compelling yet if they remain Imprisoned within you, you will never know their true beauty and value.

Now is the time you have to make a rethink and take the very best of what is in you and give it time to grow.

Reality is when you accept what is In you and great things happen when you make good use of the resources around you.

I'm still myself, hope you enjoyed reading. Original written by me here.

Upvote and resteem if you find it interesting.

I'm talking a break not holiday.

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