Failure to say the injuries in religious sentiment will not be covered

in #esteem6 years ago


Through the past few days, we now feel that bloggers and writers of the country are not only victims of militant violence, but also part of government and law enforcement agencies of the government. Four bloggers were murdered in the last five and a half months, the latest addition to the list was Niladri Chatterjee Niloy. There was no progress in investigating any of this, but after the killing of the killers, IGP of the police told the reporters in front of the press conference, 'Those who are free writers, request them, we do not violate the limits. It should not be written in any way where a religious feeling is hurt by faith. ' Besides, demands have been made on behalf of an organization named Awami Olima League, legislation will be enacted to provide the punishment for 'abusers of religion'.

In this context, we want to make it clear that the government officials are trying to dump fish and trying to mess around in different subjects. First, blogger Niloy was killed in the house at noon. Although other bloggers did not enter the house, they were killed in public, publicly; Even writer-blogger Dr. In the case of Abhijit Roy, the police were on the spot. Niloy went to the police station in May to try to get a GD. Failure to write a lot of comments on Facebook In a number of cases, the government is monitoring social media online and immediately after making any adverse remarks about the government or the law enforcement agencies, it is also brought under their supervision. It is unbelievable that Nielsen's comments have missed their eyes. But without any internal departmental investigation, the IGP says, 'There is no truth about the allegation of taking a GD'. It is understood that the law enforcement agencies are trying to cover their failures and duties.

Secondly, the law against injuries in religious feelings in the country is not only about the bloggers, many are aware. Because before the bloggers have tried to snatch different people different times on the pretext of hurting religious sentiments. This is a historical context, which has once again happened to be the victim of our rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. Although the religious feelings of the people are not so thin that it creates a situation like a murderer. In the past, the situation has been created intensely and as a part of political planning. If there was a case of murder or violence due to the religious sentiment, it would have been an isolated incident. But in the case of blogger, it is seen that members of a political group of highly organized religious extremist groups are making these incidents. It is also proven in the case of past communal riots, It has been organized in religious politics. Therefore, the excuse to hurt religious sentiments is an excuse. These fundamentalists are actually trying to panic and humiliate people. And its most straightforward way is to kill someone in religious affairs and simultaneously try to spread terror and earn sympathy. They're doing it.

Thirdly, it is not right that bloggers are being hit hard by the religious feelings of the people. Some bloggers sometimes talk about religion as a part of their free-thinking practices (it applies to all religions), but they do it as a continuous part of the specific place and overall discussion. They do not do anything publicly publicly, which will make people feel annoyed or hurt and angry. There are differences among the writers, Which is normal. Likewise, the reader's sentiment is similar to that of the aerial that it is not possible to determine the level of who will be injured in it. In the light of this real obstacle, the issue of such a non-partisan and unrealistic part of 'negotiating' or 'negotiable' is unreal and unrealistic. In the present context of Bangladesh, the effort of division is essentially motivated. And here we want to remind this basic idea that the main point of freedom of expression is the complete freedom of expression of unpleasant expression, unless it is in the form of a clearly defined, impartial and justifiable law prohibiting any provision of the law. Therefore, those who create confusing conditions by presenting the open discussions and statements of bloggers fragmentally, for their political or otherwise, Trying to create tension - the government and law enforcement agencies should rather take legal action against them. Need to mention here - Every blogger's blog has a specific place of exchange for commentary, where the discussion can be kept alive by participating, due to logical connotation it can reach the right thinking. When God Chandra Vidyasagar gave a favor to the widow's marriage and was dedicated to the propaganda campaign, many of them felt hurt by religious feelings. But it was only by the religious people that they became crazy and angry. During the time of the military junta Ayub Khan, when Islamic law was changed and the discussion started, It also hurt many religious feelings. But violence and violence made religion traders only. Yet for example, in the education system of the present government many people have been hurt due to religious sentiments. But really, the current education policy has hurt religious sentiments? Several religious people live in the United States, a few months ago, homosexual rights were constitutionally recognized. Is it possible that different religious people here can punish the government policy makers for hurting religious sentiments, tell them to be ready for death? In the neighboring country of India, at one time the rights of homosexuals were recognized in the High Court, not only that, recently the court has been given verdict, Without the father's identity, the mother can fulfill her child's identity and no person or organization can question the fundamental rights of the mother and her child on any pretext. Religious feelings mixed into the dust? Stephen Hawking said that God does not exist, it is also printed in newspapers in this country, did the news violate our religious sentiments? The reality is that the wounds of the common sense of religious feelings of the common people are overcome by the touch of good intellect and the freedom of free thinking, but the wounds of the political pious people do not get better, but it goes towards increasing deterioration. These political pious people are so violent that they sometimes impose themselves on hate campaigners and bloggers. But now even in the police there is a tendency to establish the issue of attacks on the religious sentiments of bloggers! What could be more tragic than this? After this, can we expect that the investigation of law enforcement agencies will be neutral? Is that possible now?

Fourth, it is a matter of serious concern that the tendency of fundamentalist and communal politics in the ruling Awami League is increasing, and religious feelings of one part of them started to be wounded unnecessarily. As a result, there is a tendency to accuse the bloggers of some of the government-groups. Awami Ulema League - organizes organizational activities by holding the same name; Fundamentalist-communal ideas are spreading inside the Awami League itself. These organizations are also involved with some ministers and central leaders of the party. The organization has also been promoting the Awami League central office as its organization office in their press release. Although they do not have any constitution and whether or not the Awami League officially recognizes them as their associate organization is also not clear. A section of them had organized a human chain in front of the National Press Club a few days ago and said the current education is anti-Islamic. According to them, Textbooks contain anti-Islamic compositions and curriculum, which must be omitted. They are opposing the age of marriage of girls, demanding the law of death penalty for 'contempt of religion', opposing the celebration of the first Baishakh. Then, with the Jamaat-e-Islami, Hizb ut Tahrir or those who are killing bloggers, they themselves claim, where is the difference between them? Part of the 'aims, objectives, principles and development philosophy' of Awami League's constitution has been demanded, 'Restoring the rights of Bengali nationalism, democracy, secularism, and socialism gained through the great liberation war, ensuring equal rights of all religions and establishing non-communal politics, equality and social justice. The aim of Bangladesh Awami League. If so, then how Awami Ulema League organized an organization called Awami League office, '23, Bangabandhu Avenue ', party activities, Another organization of the same name, sitting in the Dhanmondi office of Awami League president, organizes party activities? Is that too far away, the day when they will attack the Awami League on the pretext of hurting religious sentiments?

Fifthly, the disintegration and disintegration of different political parties of our country also facilitates the religious feelings of the people by stopping the practice of free speech of the people. In the last four and a half months, four bloggers were hacked by hacking with medieval tactics in a medieval manner. The blogger's killing began in the year 2013 for the purpose of separating the demand of the war criminals to differentiate the demand for the trial, calling the protesters an atheist and trying to isolate them from the people. This thorny peak in this year. But the political parties are not taking a tough stand against it. When they saw a discussion, they show their goldscale past, the history of the sixties and seventies movement. But the stubbornness in the politics of Bangladesh and the practice of free thinking has escaped their eyes. There is no talk of student politics, Even during the military regime, students' parliamentary elections were held, cultural activities continued, but despite the passing of so many years of elected governments, there is no election, there is no proper process of formation of organization and leadership, due to which the practice of free thinking and democracy is almost absent in the syllabus. Though it is unnatural due to online bloggers, there has been a lot of practice, now it is being held down. But the political parties are failing to take it seriously.

Human sentiment is not a fragmentary matter and in the ultimate sense it is used in a blatant way. Taking the context of religious sentiments separately, this conflict and struggle of the good and evil is being hidden. In order to catch the killers of the blogger, the law enforcement agencies have been able to identify with the failure of one another, and after the murder, it became more nude. Taking the GD of Nilai and telling her to go abroad, it would not be unrealistic to assume that law enforcement agencies are also pushing bloggers' insecurity aside. And hearing from our government-delegates, it seems that they are not really concerned about the killing of bloggers; Their concern is that by killing, the religion of peace is being corrupted. That does not mean the murder, Even if rarely take any action against the killers, it will be taken to corrupt the religion of peace? What we know or understand from our little knowledge is that, not a particular religion, every religion speaks peace, speaks against murder. So it is important to stand against the murder and against peace. And we do not want to see any new killings, but it certainly does not stop breathing freely. Those who kill, those who want to kill, religious feelings are only occasion to them. Socrates had complete confidence in religion, but he was accused of being saved from his doubts and questions and for making excuses for the murder, saying that he was making the youth unbelieving. We are afraid that Bangladeshi bloggers are doing the same. Not religious feelings, the main goal is to stop breathing freely, The main goal is to set boundaries for bloggers. So the government is showing dissatisfaction, in the last two years, five bloggers have given life to one after another, they have been brutally murdered, there is no progress in their investigations, rather it is said that they do not violate the limits. Those who have murdered, have not violated the limits, who have spoken on the keyboard, they have violated the limits! What could be more cruel jokes!

We are demanding immediate arrest and fair investigation of the killers of bloggers, while condemning any kind of political motive in the name of 'religious feelings'. We will not retreat from the practice of our free practice, the practice of free thinking will continue, it will be continuous.

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