Esteem App Feedback

in #esteem-feedback7 years ago (edited)



Overall I like the app because I can make quick posts while on the road, at the park with the kids, or when away from the computer. It's convenient to quickly put some thoughts down on current events and I can use Siri to (almost) always translate for me.

Couple issues

Uploading images- many times I get the "|image](object object) error as seen below when I started this post. It will go through the typical 'uploading picture %' screen, sometimes even going to '101%', strangely enough and then...


Additionally sometimes it uploads as an error with
|image](Invalid file or glob)"
Either error creates a display that looks like this..


I reboot the app a couple times, still errors. Then, later, it just works. Possibly timing out when communicating with imgur?

Next issue is that when I click Submit a Story, it still has my last post loaded up. Not a big deal but I have to delete out the Title, Body and Tags field manually. Usually not a big deal, but on a phone that's a lot of long-presses and SELECT ALL and Deletes.

Final issue- at random times, I am unable to type in the main post box. It will allow only one letter and then it unselects the box and I lose the post box as the active field. I then find myself clicking into the box, adding one letter, clicking into the box, adding one letter....


Put a reference tab in the app which shows all of the common markup language. I've found myself stopping content creation to go.
It currently has bold italic header, etc, but incorporating more might be better.
Also the quote function and header function both put the word quote (and header) in automatics meaning I have to erase it every time the function is used. Possibly drop that. Just have it insert # and >.

Keep being awesome. Even with minor bugs, it allows remote posting; definitely a good thing!

My Device

iPhone 7 plus
Version 10.3.1
ESteem version 1.4.5

Everyone Else

Don't forget to download the app, even if you don't plan on using it. Google Play and App Store algrythms track numbers of downloads. Also, add a review on those platforms. It creates churn that the algorythms will use to rank eSteem App better!

Google Play - Android - v1.4.5
AppStore - iOS (iPhone, iPad) - v1.4.5


Thank you for your feedback! Really appreciate it and took note of some points. For post clearing some users had issue with their post not getting posted so we made change to not clear them automatically. You could use CLEAR button to empty all the fields, but will be finding better ways for sure. All other points makes sense and added on todo/tofix lists ;)

Good to know. I'd MUCH rather just have to CLEAR than to lose a post I spent time on. That would discourage the app's use if that happened. Thanks!

Great job:))

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