Free 5 day challenge - Reclaim your power with essential oils

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Day 1 - Reclaim your power with essential oils

So excited to see you this morning!

Essential oils have the power to act quickly and powerfuly on our emotions

Remember how quickly the smell of cut grass takes you back to your childhood or that freshly baked cake reminds you of your grandma

Lets look at the special signals scents deliver just for you and get to know your essential oils


Grab a notepad or journal and get comfy!

Choose 1 oil from your collection - Don't stress just go with the one you are drawn to first
Sitting comfortably, feel the bones of your bottom grounded against the chair or earth

Open your bottle and calmly, comfortably raise your bottle to your nose and take a big beautiful breath in
Notice how you feel, notice any thoughts that come in or images that arise

Take your journal and record these special plant messages in short note form

If you enjoyed this activity and want to share, post your experience in the comments below or share a live video to the comments or the page !

If you don't have any essential oils yet and want to learn more send me a quick message and lets make a time to answer your questions!

I will be sharing a 5 minute meditation at 7pm brisbane time today with the intention of sharing the vibrational qualities of one of my favourite oils - Wild Orange

If you dont have wild orange on hand just sit comfortably at 7 pm and open our heart to receive this vibration - let me know your experiences

See you tomorrow
Sam xo

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