How to tell the REAL Essential Oils vs Synthetic

Based on thirty-years of Plant Based-Complementary Alternative Medicine(PB-CAM) Research, Education & Practice

When it comes to Medicinal Materials, it makes sense to look at Plant Essential Oils and Herbs as Medicine since these are the substances the world has used and continues to use in its struggle to survive. Of course this is no revelation for those of us who have relied on Plant Medicine for our Healthcare and Maintenance. I have been fortunate to enjoy from early life, the health benefits of Plant Medicine for almost, 70 years of life on Earth and have come to the conclusion, that Mainstream Medicine save life's, but Plant Medicine can very effectively, maintain our HEALTH.

When looking at any plant material, especially "essential oils" one needs to recognized the many levels of practice and separate the "Business Practice" from the Health Practice, two very different concepts, working with different quality materials, achieving different results.

HOW TO TELL THE REAL ESSENTIAL OILS will aid in choosing the right medicinal material...

Let’s begin by separating “Aromatherapy Essential Oils” from the Medicinal Grade Plant Essential Oils use in the Plant Based-CAM Practice. You are welcome to view the YouTube video we published in 2008. We recorded this video when we realized that the majority of the essential oils sold as “100% pure” were oily whereas Plant Essential Oils are not. Many of these “aromatherapy oils" also did not keep their fragrance and all had a shelf life of about 1-2 years again unlike the Plant Essential Oils we use in our practice. We also realized that these “Essential Oils” were being marketed to people with limited knowledge of their use and safety.

It is good to know that the Term “Essential Oil” is interchangeable with organic and inorganic chemistry. In many cases the term “100% Essential Oil” could very well be 100% synthetic and it may be unwise to depend upon information found on a label if you are going to practice Plant Based Health.

As you continue to smell Plant Essential Oils you will develop your senses. Your experience will guide you and you will be able to detect the not so real essential oils. Until then you may refer to the following information to help you identify the real Plant Essential Oils and so that you don’t have to depend on what a label may say or imply.

Factual information based on thirty years of PB-CAM Research, Education & Practice;
 Plant Essential Oils are not oily
 They can be left open without evaporation/oxidation
 They have a shelf life of 25 plus years
 Due to the aromatic alcohols and fermentation they become better with time (just like wines)
 Most of them can be placed directly on skin without any negative side effects
 They can be combined in a synergy (2 or more oils with the same properties) and thus benefit from the Law of Synergy which states that the therapeutic properties of each Plant Essential Oil multiplies produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Make sure to click "LIKE" if you like the info....Many thanks...much Peace 2U:)

Copyright M. A. Cisneros-Abreu, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved


Thanks dswigle, upvote & following you now...

Thank you! I am following you as well!

Thanks dswigle....:)

Very important to know thanks!

you have a very interesting blog.

Thanks foxxycat, glad you visited.....I am enjoying your very unique, informative blog too and today I am making your Peas & Sun dried Tomatoes Hummus, can't wait to taste.....many thanks, take care :)

Interesting,gotta dive deeper into this. How coe they do't evaporate? I mean take for instance the monoterpenic molecules - they oxidate with air......?

Thanks duchess for your comments....there is a difference in natural occurring monoterpenic molecules which are balanced by the rest of the plant materials making up a natural whole. Example; the real rose petal will hold its fragrance (essential oil) even when it dries, while the synthetic chemical copy of "rose petal essential oil", with each chemical made separately & combine with other synthetic chemicals to copy the natural whole, will oxidize if left open to oxygen...thats the behavior of petrochemicals....hope that helps...but I always like to encourage to do your own research, do dive deeper into this, just remember the term Essential Oil is interchangeable with both organic & in-organic chemistry.....many thanks, I really appreciate your question...and I am always trying to prove myself wrong, so feel free to help me out....many thanks....much Peace2U;)

Well i like to get deeper into this indeed. Part of my (two year) education - a big part actually - was spent on organic chemistry. But apart iwn research a can really appreciate a good mentor and it looks like i found one! Lookig forward to exchanging knowedge!

Thanks for your words....most of my learning have been from teaching and listening to others feedback, questions & corrections. I have learned to encourage others & myself to always try to "prove me wrong"....glad I found this supportive steemit community to share my passion & to learn from others, since we are all viewing from different angles with different thankful to also find a mentor in you...Looking forward too, to exchanging knowledge with you:)...much Health2U:)

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