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RE: Why I Left Young Living Essential Oils...

I, too, have known and been a wanna-be "distributor" for many years. My area isn't to keen on the oils and I'm a lousy sales person. I love the oils and have used them consistently myself using the knowledge I gained through Massage Therapy training/diploma which featured Aromatherapy class, as well as other treatments utilizing the oils and massage in that classroom setting. It was eyeopening! It was one of the most amazing classes I ever had.

It was followed by a Craniosacral Therapy class. That was profound in so many ways. After the class I was in such a daze from the aroma then the cranio I'd go home and take a long peaceful nap!

I ended up getting another upline person to help me get back into it a few years ago. I still had reservations, but I thought it was the best, unadulterated essential oils you could get on the market. Even though it was an MLM operation (I'd sold Mary Kay products years before, as an example), and I didn't really trust that--I trusted the oils.

I'd had a wonderful teacher (sensei) in Massage School who kind of took me under her wing. She actually healed me and it was such a profound experience--when she introduced me to EO's I was immediately hooked. I've always had a great sense of smell, and I liked Patchouli. LOL

Anyway, my Sensei was my first Young Living sponsor, probably around 2003. We used the oils in my healing, and in the classes she taught (Aromatherapy, and others). I used them every day, and even my family used them. I was unable to sell them, however.

I went through some hard times and fell out of the YL Membership and met someone else who was into the oils and I decided to give it another try. I even found out about an YL event close by and went to try and network and learn more about the business.

Well, the event was very crowded, and these people all kind of knew each other. It felt like a huge clique and I was the odd man out. They acted very snobby and dictated when I could and could not buy their items, which were clearly sitting out on tables. It was ridiculous. I ended up leaving in the middle of the reception after.

I still continued to buy YL Products through the new sponsor, and use many of the products myself.

As I came across your article here on STEEMIT, I was kind of taken aback. I'd never seen anything negative written about Young Living Products. I read on....and it seemed everything I'd had stuck in the back of my mind (i.e., the MSM level selling scheme) were coming to light.

Thank you for speaking out. I'd asked my sponsor about an ingredient in the THIEVES lozenges. I love them, and still have some left. They've helped me greatly. But they have Xylitol in it. I don't like consuming that.

When I asked my sponsor about it, she became defensive and said it was safe and it was like I shouldn't question anything about Gary Young. It wasn't spoken, but I could feel that "air" about it in the nonverbal communication. There was a "feel" that " we shouldn't focus on that, and instead focus on the benefits of THIEVES products".....that's what it felt like to me when I asked her about my concerns regarding Xylitol as an ingredient.

That was suspicious, coupled with the treatment at the YL event kind of turned me off in trying to sell the oils. I decided just to use them as I was taught in classes and everything was great.

Until this article. I've really decided to venture into other oils now. Thank you so much. Sorry this is so long, but I had to get this off my chest.

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