Simplifying and Connecting: How Essentia is Solving a Key Problem for Cryptocurrencies and Related Data

in #essentia6 years ago

One of the original founders of Redbox (Michael DeLazzer) once told an audience, of which I was a part of, “find ways to separate lazy people from their money.” While this is a bold statement that I don’t expect everyone to agree with, there is a key takeaway – simplicity is desired and a key to the success of any business or project.

Technology is advancing rapidly, but a key missing piece of the puzzle is simplicity. For the average consumer, cryptocurrency, managing online accounts, and utilizing new technology is difficult to the point that many would rather avoid adopting it into their lives until they can’t live without it. Once it’s simplified, current users will gain a better experience and new adopters will be able to easily utilize valuable tools.

One of the projects on my radar that is trying to bring this level of simplicity to existing technology is Essentia.

What Is Essentia?

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The high-level explanation of Essentia is a “masternoded multi-chained set of protocols connecting centralized and decentralized resources to create new powerful interactions and experiences.”

To simplify the explanation of what Essentia is setting out to accomplish as I understand it, imagine that all of your personal accounts and pieces of data online are different puzzle pieces scattered around your home. Essentia is creating the glue that will keep the puzzle pieces together all in one place.

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There are two primary components of Essentia’s framework – Essences and Synergies.

Essences: Interlinks your data (whether an individual, company, group, etc.) across different platforms and services, allowing them to operate together.

Synergies: Links the platforms, resources and modules together.

Developers, who will be incentivized to develop on top of the Essentia framework (Essences and Synergies) to give users the ability to connect their data and accounts instead of having to locate each separate puzzle piece each time they access their personal resources.

What Makes Essentia Unique?

Skepticism is natural when any project claims to simplify a very complicated problem like Essentia is attempting to achieve. They are also not the first blockchain-based project to approach the connecting of resources, but their feature list is very unique when compared to others.

Features include:

• Enhanced verification procedures
• Easy add-ons (“Add dApps, platforms, and wallets at the push of a button”)
• Full ownership of data
• Functionality across multiple blockchains and device types

The project will also implement masternodes and allow 15% of the total supply of tokens to be mined over seven years.

Project Progress

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The pre-sale, which is now over, successfully raised over $18.7M. The main token sale for Essentia begins June 7th.

Learn More

To learn more about the Essentia project, visit, and visit the following channels and resources:


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