Essentia ... The Decentralised User Becomes a Reality .

in #essentia6 years ago



We do not appreciate the value of our personal data, we share it in many sites and we publish our personal information either publicly or privately without any charge .
We may indirectly agree to use our personal information to improve the appearance of advertisements, Therefore, we must appreciate these data and know how important it is for companies such as advertising companies, research companies and other companies.

We must appreciate the importance of our personal data in general, and also appreciate the risk of the dissemination of this information in general and can be done without our knowledge.

Unfortunately, so far, there are no safe tools or services that can secure our data, and can not be trusted in the platforms or sites we use, For these reasons the idea of Essentia project emerged to create own decentralized life for every person.

Essentia provides a complete set of solutions to users, decentralized service providers and their
technologies. Essentia is the multi asset swiss-army knife solution that users always have in their pocket.
Providing a gateway to decentralized resources and, through them, traditional internet services, while also having
exclusive, full control, over their identity, digital life and data.

With Essentai Users can decide whether or not to share their data in part or in full and when, how and where that data is
shared .

And With Essentia framework, the users’ IDs, data, desktop, files , etc .. , are not managed by third-parties or centralized services .

Protected :

Protection is the most important thing we are looking for so Essentia will protect data by cryptography and blockchain-based systems, the user is able to instantly and securely gain access to on-chain and off-chain third-party services and to interact with them. In each instance, deciding whether or not to share information or data.

Features :

Essentia Token :

ESS Tokens are ERC20-based Ethereum Tokens. Each and every ESS Token is equal to each other and has
exactly the same qualities, properties, and characteristics. After the ICO period ends, no additional ESS Tokens will
be created

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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.12
JST 0.027
BTC 55863.62
ETH 2927.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.28