in #esperanto8 years ago (edited)

Have you ever felt how difficult it is to learn a new language? Only take English the most popular language on earth with all its odd irregularities and funny pronunciations. Even if you spent years of hard work on it you will be always left uncertain and you have to acknowledge the advantage of a native speaker.

Why are languages so hard to get a grip on and full of linguistic ballast? Couldn't they be much easier, more logical? With languages it is the same as with human beings. After a long life, full of experiences, joy and sorrow there is so much accumulated which doesn't necessarily relates to the presence. We carry all that stuff with us along as we continue our life.

In human history were made quite a few attempts to create an artificial language, logical and clear, which could be used by everyone and would be easy to learn. Esperanto about 130 years ago brought to life is the only one that made it to a real widely spoken natural language.

And here is why:

Esperanto has a quite simple grammar (16 rules), and it is also completely regular with no exceptions. There are no irregular past tenses, no irregular plurals, no irregularly used prepositions… Additionally, the pronunciation is easy, and it is a complete phonetic language.

Nouns end in -o

Adjectives -a

Verbs are not conjugated and end in -as in the present tense, -os in future and -is in past tense

Plurals -oj

Even most of the vocabulary comes from European languages the grammatical structure is rather non-European. Through a genial system of prefixes and suffixes added on to virtually any word you get a great variety of new words.

Lets take the word bela. Probably you already know, it is beautiful. Than we add to the word root the suffix -igi, means “to make, to cause to be”, so beligi means “make (something) beautiful”. If we furthermore use the prefix pli- means more, so plibeligi than means “to make it more beautiful”.

Instead of learning thousands of dissimilar words, you essentially need only a few hundred roots and use a few dozen affixes to become a fluent speaker.

Of course Esperanto is not perfect as no human being is. It still evolves as a language and it needs a lot of effort to acquire it, however it seems the most easiest language to learn on earth. 

On the popular language learning platform DUOLINGO already nearly 750,000 English- speaking people enrolled for a free Esperanto course. No reason to think you are out of date with it.

And if you want to find out more about the history of Esperanto please read this:


Esperanto estas lingvo tre interesa. Gratulojn.

Dankon. La florojn mi transprenas al Ludoviko :-)

Esperetanto daŭras! Saluton kaj dankon pro via skribaĵo.

Dankon pro via komento. Bonvenon je Steeemit. Plaĉas al mi vidi novan vizaĝon el Esperantujo. Mi antaŭĝojas legi viajn artikolojn.

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