The Black Cube of SaturnsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #esoteric7 years ago


Much of the symbolism in use today can be traced back to Saturn worship through Freemasonry and astrotheology,which in turn led to the Abrahamic religions of Islam, Judaism, and Judeo-Christianity.
When all the pieces are put together, all roads lead back to the black sun or dead sun, as ancient cultures believed of it's existence and I seek to present an interconnected theory that much of today's matrix system is based on the Saturnian cult.
To begin with, Saturn was the Roman good of the harvest and time and he was the similitude and assimilation of the Greek god Κρονος (Kronos/Cronos) who swallowed all his children in order to try to escape a prophecy that he would be overthrown by one of his offspring
Saturn was usually depicted carrying a scythe and is also known as Father Time, which is shown in symbolism with him standing behind the weeping virgin and untangling her ringlets of hair.
These are very visible in cemeteries, along with obelisks and will usually be a marker for the grave of a Freemason.
Greece was not the first culture that worshipped a deity of the Harvest and agriculture however. Many other cultures and civilizations of the ancient Near East worshipped a deity in this form.
Dagon was the Philistine god of fertility and agriculture and comes from the Hebrew word "Dag" meaning little fish. From the waist up, he had a human form and wore the same mitre hat that the pope wears today. You might have seen the hat I'm referring to, the one that is shaped like a fish's mouth. The bottom half of the deity was identical to that of a mermaid...dagon.jpgdagon2.jpg
Dagon was said to have a consort name Astarte, or Atargartis, who was also half-fish, half deity.
Their child was Ichthys, which is the Greek word for fish and became the secret symbol that early Christians adopted to recognize one another in secret, as they were persecuted so heavily.
This is the symbol that millions of Christians have slapped on their cars as bumper stickers or wear around the neck as jewelry.
Everyone has the Creator endowed right to beLIEve whatever they want to beLIEve. I'm not presenting this information to attack anyone's faith or push an agenda, take from it what you wish. Defenders of the symbol's use have argued that it derives from the story of Jesus feeding the multitude with the loaves and fishes as well as Jesus telling Peter to become " a fisher of men."
Either way, it had Pagan usage prior to being adopted by Christianity. Many other attributes of Jesus Christ are taken from countless pagan deities as well as their pagan festivals. The Roman cult Church could not stamp out Christianity so therefore they decided to assimilate the religion into the culture. The western tradition of Christmas on December 25th is nothing more than a repackaged Roman Festival of Saturnalia that was celebrated on the same day. Whether or not Jesus Christ existed is not relevant to me and when discussing this subject with anyone, it very quickly descends into a circular logic fallacy since it can neither be proved nor disproved.

What is important is the message that Jesus Christ brought to us, as it is the key for all of humanity to exit from The Matrix. If that sounds like the path for you and you're not afraid to follow the Absolute wherever it may lead then by all means read on.

This RE-ality is the Funhouse at the circus and we live in a Hall of Mirrors where it is very easy to become lost, confused, and disoriented. If you find yourself disillusioned along your journey, fear not, you're definitely not alone. Does it always seem like you're being caught in a tug-of-war? Like someone is always wanting you to choose a side? This world thrives off conflict and every day we become a little bit more and a little bit more divided. It took me 40 years of searching for answers outside of myself to wake up and suddenly realize that I had been letting people steal my energy my whole life! Remember to stay grounded to the Earth, neutrality is the narrow gate. Everything that we "know"about this universe is that it works on electricity and magnetism. All living creatures are Bioelectric life-forms. Everything in this construct has polarity or what we know as the law of opposites. In order to have a concept of a idea, we need to have the same concept of understanding of its opposite. The human brain is no different in this aspect, as it is split into two hemispheres and connected by a "bridge" call the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a thick neural network pad for lack of a better layman's term. The problem is many of us are only using one side of our brain or the other and this causes the schism in our thinking and how we perceive this reality.

Essentially, our polarities are not balanced and so we play the game of life picking one side or the other. How can we ever understand the opposite perspective if we are so close minded into beLIEving that we are right all of the time? More importantly, by vehemently disagreeing with someone or reFUSING to take another's perspective into consideration, we are creating a negative ion exchange which keeps the chemical/electrical balance in our own brain hemispheres offset.

Does that make sense? This type of thinking/being is foreign to most and most will natural reject it. The war being waged is an internal war and it is playing out in our external reality. Too may hold on to strong beLIEfs, my self included. I have gradually been tearing down my own walls and revising my ENTIRE PATTERN of thinking and interacting with my fellow inhabitants. Hanging on to all the prejudices we have been taught will only keep us boxed up in a negative state.l All that does is struggle to prop up our ego that is crumbling from the weight of cognitive dissonance. If you are serious about changing your life and bettering all the lives around you, I humbly ask you: Would you be willing to set aside 20 minutes and 40 seconds to watch the video below before we go any further? It could change your life just like it did with mine...

Is it possible to live without the ID and the EGO?
That's how I want to live my life, connected as one with the universe, Earth, and everyone who inhabits it. We and we together are responsible for reshaping the world into what we want it to be. There is nothing that anyone can do about what's already happened in the past, so we must not dwell on the past. However, it's very important to understand the past and how events in history have been shaped the flow of this artificial reality up to the present point.

From a critical thinking standpoint, one of the most fundamental areas that the public lacks comprehensive knowledge in, is in the realm of occult studies. We the sheeple are intentionally led away from hidden knowledge by the 501 3C corporate churches, the public fool system, and especially parents, teachers, and community members on account of everyone having a preconceived bias that it is all evil /demonic /satanic. There is power in knowledge, especially occult knowledge. These elitists want and need you to buy into their theatrical acts called politics, mainstream media, and Hollywood/ the Music Industry. These are the three primary spheres of influence that have been the stepping stones to their agenda. Their emotional tactics are

  1. Fear
  2. Threat
  3. Coercion and Blackmail
  4. Duress
    The lawyers and judges are puppet masters of our entire civilization and have been defrauding the public for hundreds of years.
    The average Joe knows the absolute least about the thing that affects him the most!
    Their entire "trade" is built on confusing gestures, formalities, and procedures but at the end of the day they are nothing more than peddlers of words.
    They obfuscate, twist, and redefine everyday words to mean something totally different than what they would mean in a normal conversation.
    They use words as spells and will deceive you to no end if you let them. They are the Priests of Saturn themselves, that is why they wear black robes and sit 3 tiers higher than everyone else. Frank O'Collins in Australia has put together some of the best research on the phony legal system and what they are up to.
    They are ordinaries of the church and are carrying out the execution of Roman Canon Law. Check out Frank's vids on YouTube before they are taken down, we need to get them on DTube soon. His website is < >

Santos Bonnaci has also done a great work here...


The black Kaaba stone in Mecca represents Saturn. Allah is based on the moon good Sin. This is why Islamic countries have a crescent moon and five pointed star on their flags.
The pagan roots go all the way back to antiquity as noted in the encyclopedic work "The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion" by Sir James George Frazer.
All the deities are interchangeable, civilization after civilization, If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it. In my honest opinion, it is essential for any researcher that seeks to show that Saturn is the god with a 1000 faces. The book has helped me to unravel many stories in comparative religion and I'll put a link to the PDF book here

A huge thank you to Temple of Earth for hosting so many free books!

I'll leave you with lots of modern Saturn symbolism...






Another interesting tidbit, the Roman numeral XX (20) is the number for Saturn and will always be hidden in a "double cross", the six pointed star, and the square and compasses...

The Tesseract, or Hypercube

A cube unfolds out into a cross, this is why the external savior figure is always crucified on the crosd


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