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RE: Sigil Bomb - For love, peace and prosperity

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

I am not sure how this "sigil bomb" activates the sigil because it is just lighting it on fire without me interacting with it - I guess if you were starting at it that would be the trance state - me personally, I have found that coloring the sigil in puts me into a trance which allows the sigil to slip into my subconscious.


Also burning the sigil to release the intent is a common practice, and the sigil bomb makes it one simple operation.

I am glad you found it useful - I am too impatient I think to do that for every sigil - which is why I just color them and put them in drawings...but I don't do ritual magick either... to each their own!

I will have to try your style one time, seems relaxing. I don't really do ritual magick either, I can focus better without all the words.

Yea - I am too heady - if I do ritual magick I always forget something. I feel dumb when I am doing it - and like that guy - I thought - Iwould likely catch the curtains on fire.

By focusing on the intent as though it is happening in the moment, visualising it as though you can see it happening in the image, the mind forgets all about the incense about to ignite the sigil and wanders, (I choose an incense appropriate to the intent). While in that day dream trance state, the sigil ignites surprising you, and in that moment the sub conscious is opened to receive the intent.
I find it to be both quick and fun. It only takes about 10 to 15 mins in trance and have had good results.

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