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RE: I feel the same way about political news as I do cigarettes..its bad for me and it's time to quit.

in #esoteric7 years ago

How do I know what direction to focus my perception adjustments. Intuition? Yes. That feels right. But I mix up my intuitive thoughts with my monkey mind thoughts. I guess everyone must. I AM learning the difference between how one type of course feels vs. another. Perhaps this is the purpose to all the tribulation? So that I can train to see the value in the contrast. Also, feels right. I agreed to this pain? For growth? In service? This really is a painful, beautiful, confusing, interesting web of fun we are having here friend. LOL. I adore you. Chat with me anytime!!


The best Advice I can give you as a short answer is use your feelings or emotions as a compass.
What feels purely joyful and fun to you use that, do that, everything else will come naturally, you may also read my article about mindset, it is my fist article ever written.
Here is the deal, we feel fear and "negative" emotions because we are not-aligned, when we feel joy and "positive" emotions we are in alignment, synchronicity takes place when we align with the "life plan" that our higher aspect had intended in our arrival to this dimension/perspective of existence. Although you choose how you go about this while in the process ( thats the fun part in a way ) you are always in contact with the higher aspect/intelligence of yourself which has access to more information at once than you are, it is omnipresent since time is not linear and space as well. Therefore the translation in which you get the "its a no-no" or "yes!" from the body are the feelings. It can get complicated however in our eyes, for instance you might think of a situation then feel fear then you get the idea that you must avoid that situation while in truth it means focus on something other than that, by focusing on the idea that you must avoid your fearful scenarios or what have you, you give more attention to it and awareness, what the higher aspect is trying to do is guide you away from what you would call "path of resistance" it will guide you to the natural flow of the scenarios and possible routes that lead to what you truly desire.
The whole design is perfect in all actuality and seemingly magical things start happening once you follow the flow.
If you remain in the flow for a good while at first you will get the grasp of it and you will be eventually able to communicate with the higher aspect more easily through many different means.
Just be open and accepting, try to alter the lens by which you see reality and you will tune in to a better life overall. The time it takes is up to you, it can happen in a split second, yes it is possible. Once you decide to do what feels good for you then you start approaching what is best for you. Things will simply happen for you, because the synchronizations will start happening.
What you need will be there for you.
One other advise is do not care too much about others in the "negative" sense, do not worry much if you impact their lives, things will adjust so nothing is disturbed.
Do not be afraid to let go of things that you are uncomfortable with, basically do not have attachments.
By the way your mind is a good device, it might show parallel realities or possible outcomes that are not yet in your perceived present. Just keep in mind that mind is part of your consciousness, it is just not what you "think" it is, it actually is intended for something totally different to what you are using it for. So even if it tries to give suggestions and such, some aspects are channeled thoughts from the higher aspect and some are possibilities and such. To fully engage the "true" mind simply focus on the moment fully as much as possible, which can happen in many ways, for me it happens just by being.
That way your unnecessary thoughts will evaporate out of your current perception and you will find yourself having a purely focused experience. To give you encouragement on how to do this I will say that all the "what ifs" and fuzzy thoughts are not true, just ask yourself "and how do you know this?", I mean all these concerns are not yet here, all these urges are not real per say, they are not in your current experience therefore you wouldn't need to concern too much about them as a conscious individual and all of us as a whole, depending on the subject.
By the way even the moment that you are perceiving is not the now in the sense that if you look in a mirror there is a "delay" in which the information reaches your perception, basically the you that you see in the mirror is not the "now" you once you get the information.


Wow. You are just simply wonderful.. i will be stalking your page. What a bkessing. Well met friend and thank you for caring si much to write this. I have taken it to heart. Namaste.

I will make it even simpler so it is easier for others to understand as well.
For short:
Habits and Addictions are the same thing, a byproduct of the individual either not doing the things they find excitement/Happiness/Joy etc about or and being in a situation they feel not so comfortable about (which is the result of not doing what you feel Joy about as said before).

[ Personal Example:
My habit is to touch or do certain things X amount of times, same happens for my Sister or either she goes in Hysteric Moods or Obsessive Cleaning Habits, mother eats her nails when that is true and father+other sister smoke. ]

See... 5 people having Different Unhealthy Habits... It is not just Genes or Disorders, it goes way deeper as you can see and it is even more so way Simpler to resolve once conscious about it.
I see Habits as physical Messages.

People might blame their situation in others...
Which is the illusion that leads to unpleasant paths and situations Ironically.

Being aware that one is in full control and responsible of their own life and that there are infinite options is the key, follow your passions.

Following one's passions even leads to "coincidences" or Synchronicities that lead one to the most beneficial for them situation.


Namaste <3

Translation: (The Divine Spark in me Greets The Divine Spark in you)

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