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RE: Part 3: Abstractions In A World Of Distractions: The Universal Womb & The Ascension Hypothesis

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Are you ready?

Spiritualy and creatively a yes. Mentally I still have to work out tons of things before I could deal with whatever might come. I am happy about the here and now.

When you say we are far more special and relevant beyond our imagination I think we might be able to trigger a breaktrough of perceiption that will lift the veil collectively from one moment to another - similar to a DMT hit.

Maybe you heard about the Global Consciousness Project and the measurings in regard to 9/11. There was a spike just before the event. And also the 100 monkey theory in which a population is suddenly adopting behaviour when a critical mass of individuals does so before.

Maybe it has something to do with our compassion as you pointed that out as a difference to the creator species and foundation for wisdom. We would all become direct creators of the creatrix and enfold eschatology prophecies, the gigantic spiritual battle of light and darkness.

What do you think about end-time prophecies in general? Like the story of Shamballa, the white city, protector of knowledge. Where the king will ride out on a white horse to fight the barbarian hordes. There seems to be a red line throught mythologies regarding that.


Hey my friend @flauwy like yourself I'm ready but still have a few ends I would like to tie up first. Equally I'm happy with the moment and happy to try and help my fellow brothers and sisters see through the smoke and mirrors in this world of illusion.

Yes I certainly agree that we could break through the veil, but perhaps it would need a unified expression of consciousness and intent in order to achieve this ideal. Indeed I believe that thought and emotion carry a resonant frequency .. and so if we could raise and compress said frequency/energy we could somehow break the the veil. A rudimentary analogy could be viewed as akin to an opera singer raising the pitch and vibration of their voice to the point that it breaks glass.

In reference to the 100th monkey I feel this feeds into Tesla's "flow field" concept and equally Sheldrakes Morphic field. In reference to the latter I wrote this is on a previous comment: The way I see the morphic field is that if we could view our minds at a sub-atomic level then you will see that we are entangled with ourselves and the universe at large. From this perspective consciousness exists outside the physicality of the brain and every thought and action is held within some form of universal memory bank to which we are all connected.

Some of us can tune into this universal wisdom whilst others pick up on it at a subconscious level. Perhaps within this field certain truths, wisdoms or indeed evolutionary aids hold a higher resonant frequency and so are heard by more people/monkeys. Equally perhaps animals are more tuned with this field.

The global consciousness measurings are fascinating and again I believe this comes down to vibration and frequency. In short intent carries a frequency that we can subconsciously pick up and on that day there must have been a strong and powerful/dark intent/energy resonance. Much like animals that run before an impending earthquake, hurricane, tsunami .. they sense the build up of said energy.

Yes I'm fascinated with the various eschatology, end time prophecies .. and equally there seems to be a thread of death and rebirth that runs throughout said prophecies. Perhaps the "end time" could also be construed as beginning time? Like I alluded to in this post the pain and destruction of the end time could equally be viewed as the birth pains of the new age. From this perspective I think of time not as a linear construct with an end game but as a cycle, equally I believe we have travelled through this cycle before and were found lacking. But that's a post for another day ;) Thanks again my friend.

Yes, time is a cycle like the Ouroboros. Prophecies don't show the end but just the transition. There is so much wonder and awe in all of this. It makes life more meaningful.

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