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RE: Why I Write Under The Tags Of Spirituality/Esoteric & Truth/Conspiracy

in #esoteric6 years ago

I always enjoy your posts, they sum up the feelings I have as well. I find myself more and more spiritual as I get older but by far not the mainstream organized religion spiritual but the kind you refer to often. We don’t need an organization to falsely tell us what spirituality is; Christianity is a hypocrisy in all honesty. Jesus himself (or at least whoever interpreted the supposed talkings of him for the 50th time, if one named Jesus ever existed in the first place) says that the only way to pray and be spiritual that is accepted is to stay in your home with the door closed and pray silently in your mind. I laugh at the people who exclaim their religiosity in big public churches and think that matches what they are supposed to do, it doesn’t!
I believe in my own spiritual form; it’s nothing tangible or named but I know it’s there in some form of existence. More people need to have their own spiritual compass instead of relying on being told what that is or is supposed to be. This isn’t a popular notion though because it requires self thought and understanding rather than obeying and following others.
Always appreciate your posts, they certainly help me raise and understand vibrational and spiritual levels! Cheers


Hey my friend, thank you for taking the time to read and leave a great comment .. as always it's much appreciated. As you probably gathered I'm certainly spiritual :) .. although, I prefer to follow my own path and so don't align myself with any particular belief system. Yes if you're talking about Jesus he was more akin to an anarchist than a statist .. this is in direct opposition with the church. The early Christians also practiced a direct communion with god that is more akin to the oneness of eastern religion. In many ways I’ve come to understand that with the creation of a hierarchical structure, religion has become perhaps one of the greatest barriers between us and the Great Spirit/God. Enlightenment is not achieved through climbing up the church hierarchy, it exists as a potential and a possibility within all of us. It is a fire waiting for a spark. Thanks again @cmplxty

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