Totem animal: My Wasp Encounter

in #esoteric6 years ago


Yesterday I was picking some autumnal red leaves to decorate my backdrops for my food photography. I was looking this beautiful bush of red leaves and found one particular branch I desired that I was going to snap off. I snapped one side then I reach in to snap the other side. That's when I caught in the corner of my eye some yellow and black stripes, my hand immediately pulled away. I leaned in to see what it was and it was 2 wasps, they seem to be attached or very closely nestled together just sitting on the branch right where I was going to put my hand. I was a bit taken aback and thankful I had my eyes open. I'm not afraid of wasps like I used to be as a child, I would run away if they came close. Now I have no problem if one lands on my leg or buzzes around me for a bit.


I forgot about my close encounter with the wasp pretty quickly but then as I went to bed that night and was drifting into my slumber, I saw a wasp in my minds eye and I heard this loud buzzing sound that jolted me awake. I wanted to know straight away what the spiritual meaning of wasps were but I fell straight back asleep.

I knew there was a meaning for me there so it was the first thing I checked up when I woke up:

Wasps have different interpretations around the world

  • Africa: to take charge of our life an evolve

  • India: productivity & organization

  • Ancient Europe: fertility

They are also representative of good communications with family, friends & people we live closely with


How amazing is this sacred geometry honey comb structure that wasps make for their nests... ? This is what I call productivity & organization.

Yes all these things I need right now, to execute fertile & fruitful projects I need consistent organization and productivity to take charge of my life and ultimately evolve on my spiritual journey

Thank you wasp for showing me the way

🥑 🍎🥝 🍉 🍇 🍐🍓🍈🍋🍑 🍍🍊🍌🍏


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All images are created by @celestialcow

Thanks for reading




Hcwg0lg - Imgur.gif


This was pretty interesting to read.. i'd love to know what's my spirit animal now.

Do u have an animal you see over and over throughout your life, one you dream about?

personally i dont identify with one spirit animal but what ever comes into contact with me i think sends me messages for that time in my life.

I guess I never realized that! I'm gonna pay attention now..

Nice post.. The idea of totem works for people who believe in them.. I wish your success as journey to execute fertile & fruitful projects in the future.

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