Happy Equinox, Steemit!

in #equinox6 years ago

It's the autumn equinox here in the northern hemisphere today, which is one of the eight Pagan fire festivals. AKA "the bread holiday."

I did not make this meme

I feel like I give Meán Fómhair (the autumnal equinox) the short shrift sometimes. In my head it halfway means "I can put out Samhain (Halloween) decorations now." LOL Bad Pagan, jumping ahead! But you know, in today's culture, stores have Halloween docorations out when it's back to school, and back to school at the start of summer, and don't even get me started on xmas stuff starting 1 November. Some people have their Halloween decorations out as soon as pumpkin spice is available in Starbucks. At least I wait until fall. ;)

it's Pagan meme time - this is from an Adam Ellis comic

Yesterday I accomplished Absolutely Bupkis, and today I am still hanging out in my PJs even though I've been up for hours, drinking my coffee protein shake. So I don't have anything particularly interesting to blog about, life-wise.

monday coffee summoning.jpg
java java java

I know that on days where I don't eat solid foods, I tend to konk out, but I just couldn't eat yesterday. I'll try and cook something today. Depression: the diet plan!

ouija cat.jpg
kitties do not believe in diets

If y'all like Pagan memes and still do FB, you should follow my author page there at Amergin the Typewriter (@AmerginWren), btw. I share them there a lot.

cakes of pan.jpg
I'm afraid I have never known who drew this one, but it's awesome

I might try working on the Make My Apartment Not Embarrassing Project some more, or if I manage to shower and still have energy, maybe I'll go drop off the books I purged the other day in a LFL. But that's a big if. I'm not well. I have issues.

norse gods to fix your shit.jpg
help me, whichever God is in charge of functionality

astral fucks.jpg
yep, still nothin'

Though I suppose slug mode is better than "I would smite humanity if I could," which is totally the state of mind I was in the other day. Sometimes I need to walk away from the internet because it makes me want to cut a bitch. I know better than to read comments on certain posts, and yet I continue to do it, and lose all faith in humans. At least if I'm out of fucks, I'm also out of murder.

throwing protection rocks.jpg

banishing rock.jpg

Aaaaaaaaanyway. I'll stop memeing you ...for now (mwa ha ha). Be good, Steemit!

a good boy.jpg

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com



A time to reflect and be grateful for so much abundance

I laughed at your image based jokes! You made me smilie with your sharing!!!!

I don't know how long the slip stream is between here and there, but we've done something that I just remember now and I should make a post about it! If that sounds mysterious it is!

When my mind starts in that directiom I start watching things like this which is terrible because then I get even less done:

Having @ecoinstante helps a lot, not immediately but she can usually cast a line and pull me back onboard the 'I care about showering' ship.

I hope something magical appears at your door step soon!

Ooh you should make your mysterious post!
LOL see I've never been one for Let's Play videos, but I've gotten sucked in to Sim City or Chrono Cross/Trigger games for like 18 hours at a time... XD It's like my brain forgets the rest of the flesh wagon exists and has maintenance needs...

Happy autumn equinox ☥ @phoenixwren!
Love the pegan memes!!
Java, cursed house and whos a good boy!! lol

Happy belated Equinox Phe <3 <3 hehehe...

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