in #epstein5 years ago (edited)

Exploring the Truth of President Trump’s connection to Epstein:
Far from being Epstein’s friend, President Trump took a stand against him long before Epstein’s crimes were public knowledge…

PROJECTION DEFINED: “Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others”

“In his analysis of Nazi propaganda, Ellis Freeman identified an influence tactic based on projection: accusing another person of the negative traits and behaviors that one possesses and exhibits with the goal of deflecting blame away from one’s own misdeeds and toward the accused.”

This last week the name Jeffrey Epstein has been back in the news in a BIG way.
For a long time, especially for activists trying to expose and get law enforcement action against elite paedophile rings, the name Epstein has been notorious.

Epstein is a billionaire, who started in investment banking before launching his own firm, J. Epstein & co, in 1982. He became a financier operating at the very top levels of American Society. In 2008 Epstein was convicted of sex offences, on a charge of soliciting a 14-year-old girl into prostitution. He served 13 months in prison while being allowed to continue to work and had to register as a sex offender.

In the years since, it has been obvious to activists for #Pedgate and #PedoWood that this sample charge amounted to a cover-up of MUCH bigger crimes, and that Epstein got off with a deal because of his enormous wealth and who he connects to. His private Island in the US Virgin Islands, Little St Johns, has become notorious, along with his “Lolita Express”, flying some of societies most powerful and wealthy people on his private jet, to engage in sex crimes, assured of the privacy to do as they liked away from public scrutiny. And it doesn’t take much imagination to see the blackmail/coercive power this put in the hands of Epstein himself over those people.

Speculation has been rife, but Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have both been conclusively placed on “The Lolita express”. Clinton denied he ever travelled with Epstein without his secret service detail, but this has been exposed as untrue;

While Prince Andrew resigned as UK Trade Envoy when allegations Epstein arraigned for him to have sex with a 17 year old girl hit the press.

And that’s where it starts to get into easily muddied waters: because those same allegations said Epstein solicited that girl from Donald Trump’s Mara-a-Largo resort…


The Pro-Clinton Anti-Trump media, who have been rabid with their hatred for President Trump ever since he first announced his candidacy, have certainly wasted no time at all in putting “Epstein=Friend of Trump” into EVERY single article or news report they have put out since Epstein’s court documents from his original trial were unsealed and Epstein re-arrested at Teterboro Airport New Jersey, on July 6th. And this time, this big money Democrat donor can’t avoid proper sex trafficking charges.

Which is interesting, on account of all the OTHER names MORE connected, some in Politics but others in Holywood, like Kevin Spacey, who has faced his own allegations of being a sexual predator post MeToo.

With a rabid and radicalised “progressive” base who have lapped up every smear and lie the media has spun about Trump since he has become president, focusing on that one claim has become a PROJECTION-fest of the finest order: focusing on accusing Trump of being just-as-bad-as-Epstein-by-association enables these progressives to, at least for now, avoid having to take on the far greater implications of the Epstein big-picture, and what that means for public figures many of them hold up as heros.

But is it TRUE?

What is certainly true is that Donald Trump knew Jeffrey Epstein. He is photographed with him several times from the 90’s to the very early 00’s. And he is also quoted from that time saying something vaguely nice about him.

But the kind of socialite parties at the top of US society is full of everyone being seen with everybody. Unlike so many others, there is no evidence Trump was ever on Little St James. And speaking as POTUS to the press on July 12th, Trump confirmed the information from court filings back in 2011, that he learned Epstein had assaulted a woman at his club and threw him out and barred him back in 2003, then cut all ties: four years before public allegations against Epstein first drew the attention of the law.

There is no doubt Epstein saw Trump’s success as something to emulate, and Trump has always been surrounded by societies most beautiful women. But there is nothing to tie Trump to Epstein’s criminal activities. Allegations are easy to make, and men like Donald Trump are easy targets for them: several attempts to claim Trump had a deeper connection have been made: but all have been stood down before reaching a court and none of the claims have been shown to be credible.

So much noise has been made about Trump in the media, it is easy to believe that claims = truth, and as wise men have observed throughout history “A lie will get round the world before the truth can get its boots on”: People love gossip, and the more salacious the better: but what matters in issues of suspected criminality is the BURDEN OF PROOF.

As an example of this, millions of people know that Porn Model Stormy Daniels alleged an affair with Donald Trump and was paid-off to keep her claims to herself during Trump’s election campaign. Its sordid and not nice, but these are the realities rich and famous people have to deal with: balancing paying accusers with a credible-sounding-story off to avoid the long drawn out hassle, expense and bad publicity of having to defeat these claims in court.

Of course, Daniels was greedy and honourless, and hired lawyer Michael Avenatti to overturn the non-disclosure agreement she signed to get her pay off so she could monetise her allegations all over again, as well as suing Trump for defamation.

How many people who know the above from the media also know Avenatti has been proved to be a thoroughly corrupt scammer (who ended up ripping off Daniels) who currently faces many years in Jail for an alleged plot to blackmail Nike, as well as ripping off a disabled veteran of over $200,000 in compensation?

Even fewer people know that Daniels has been totally defeated in court and admitted in sworn testimony her alleged affair with Trump NEVER HAPPENED.

Claims about Trump being a “friend” of Epstein (nudge-nudge wink-wink) are on the same garbage tier.


On Friday 12th July 2019, President Trump hosted a joint presser with his Labour Secretary, Alex Acosta, where it was announced that Acosta was resigning.

Acosta had been in the position since 2017, and by all accounts had been doing a great job at the Department of Labour, despite originally appearing to be an unusual pick for Trump.

But the problem wasn’t the job he resigned from at that presser, but the job he was doing back in 2007, when Acosta was US Attorney for the state of Florida. Acosta was at the centre of Epstein being given a plea deal which resulted in only a sample charge of solicitation, light prison sentence, and registration as a sex offender for Epstein.

On the surface, this is appalling, and clearly Acosta needed to resign. Its absolutely right people are outraged Justice was so poorly served.

In fact, Acosta has been under pressure for that decision for some little time: the new charges against Epstein have tipped the issue over the edge.

This article from late 2018 details what went down with that plea deal, and also references an ongoing court action that led to a judge concluding Acosta broke the law when Epstein was offered a plea deal without informing Epstein’s victims.

It hardly covers Acosta in glory. He is going to have to account for his actions (along with many others!)

But a report from the Daily Beast shed’s an intriguing new light on what may have really happened…

“Acosta explained… that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.”

While the Daily Beast explores the issue of Acosta’s interview when he applied to be considered for the Labour Secretary position, and infers it wasn’t good enough: it raises the question: what if this statement was accurate? And in those circumstances, did Acosta do the best he could to ensure that while he couldn’t throw the book at Epstein with his hands tied, Epstein did get prison time and forced onto the sex offenders register?

The definitive answer to that question is going to have to wait… but what if it was TRUE that Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’?

Could such a thing be credible? And what are the implications?


It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see that compromising images of some of the richest and most influential people in the world being flown on a private jet to a private island to commit organised sex abuse would be very powerful in the hands of the wrong people.

In fact, the desire for such controlling blackmail by intelligence agencies has its own name: Komprimat.

While the term is associated with the Soviet Era KGB, from behind walls of national security it is hard to imagine any intelligence agency would not want such information if it was available.

For many years those investigating Elite sex trafficking have warned that a Cabal of Corruption controls many of those seeking power through rituals, initiations, and filming people performing compromising acts as the price of being supported to gain powerful positions. Whispered talk of “Skull and Bones”, “Bohemian Grove”, or a certain London club frequented by Hollywood stars that was found to have a website stuffed with people exchanging child pornography, has painted a picture of a network of perverted control, on top of allegations about David Brocks boyfriend, James Alafentis, that became known as #pizzagate, based on images hacked from Alafentis’s Instragram account, that have given many people who have seen them sleepless nights.

This Observer article examines the possibility Epstein may have been gathering such intel on behalf of one or more intelligence agencies: it certainly finds it credible.

While I cannot confirm its accuracy, images purporting to show Epstein’s surveillance system at Little St John’s also circulate online. There are many questions to be asked and answered.

No doubt Alex Acosta will face questioning over his statement when applying for Labour Secretary in a court setting in the not-to-distant future. If he can show he really was warned to back off Epstein for “intelligence” reasons, the ramifications will be seismic…


Being in a sex abusers address book, or pictured standing next to one, is NOT defacto proof an individual is also a sex abuser.

But taking flights out to a private island now credibly connected with organised sex abuse via an international network, is a lot harder to explain.

In his presser on July 12th, President Trump implored people to “investigate the flight logs” to see the names that need to be seriously looked into.

Therefore, let us continue our look at “The Epstein Projection” by doing just that…

You can see the logs from the newly released court documents for yourself here:

And the names found include some of the biggest names in Politics, Journalism and Entertainment…



The exposure of major criminal corruption, especially involving sexual abuse, is an appalling thing for anyone to process. Ordinary people simply cannot conceive of the sort of sociopathic mentality required to organise human trafficking.

None the less: it is our duty to confront this information and sacrifice our ignorance in the interests of safeguarding people and society.

Whatever the full reasons behind Epstein being let off lightly with the 2008 plea deal turn out to be, there are major lessons that American society, and society across the world, must learn.

The temptation to take a simplistic view and think the only issue is how connected Trump is to Epstein, especially in those who oppose his presidency, is going to be strong. It must be resisted and pushed back against with activism to continue to force out the full picture: which this article alone certainly cannot do. When we dive down this rabbit-hole we swiftly encounter names like Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell, and there are many more. Now the Epstein plea deal is exposed, society will settle for no less:

Regardless of those whose immediate response has been to settle for the simplistic Epstein Projection of media outlets like CNN, MSNBC etc… who may turn out to have rather a lot to hide!

Early in his Presidency, President Trump said “A storm is coming”. When asked “What storm?” he replied “You’ll find out!”
Like all his promises, the coming days will bring delivery…

Patriots around the world, standing against Satanist, perverts and the darkness they bring, will not be found wanting: #WWG1WGA!

Love to all
John The White

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