FBI descends on Epstein Island Little St. James and what ABC owned by Disney has to say. Interesting Disney Cruises made stops at the island.

in #epstein5 years ago (edited)

By the time Federal investigators made it over to Epstein's island, dubbed pedophile island, it had already been studied by numerous researchers and one newspaper stood out among all others willing to step out of a partisan group not willing to shine a bright light on the wicked dealings of people they promote.

Investigators seen raiding Epstein's property in the Virgin Islands and there is talk that it is clear they want to turn over everything in Epstein's life at this point. Shouldn't they have been doing this Before, say the first time there were charges on child sex trafficking instead of only giving him a mere slap on the wrist and allowed to leave during the day to go to his office. What kind of a prison sentence is that? Why weren't more people outraged? Why wasn't more news media covering the story of the child sex abuse as even his famous neighbor James Patterson wrote a book about his child sex abuse. Not news worthy enough for other news outlets?

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Aaron Katersky an investigative reporter from ABC news reports that whatever happened with Epstein back in July of this year (2019). Just 6 days after an alleged suicide watch, Epstein was taken Off suicide watch at part of the urging of his defense attorney.

He would have undergone more than one Psych evaluation and the move would have gone all the way to deputy Attorney General Rosen, who was informed that Epstein was no longer on suicide watch.

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Attorney General William Barr said he was appalled at the prison's failure to secure Epstein. Apparently they are learning about several irregularities at that particular facility that are deeply concerning and demand a thorough investigation according to Barr.

Do you suppose they will also check out the shrieking that was heard the day Epstein "died?"

You can check out CBS's story on this here,


CBS states,

Congress is the latest to start investigating Epstein's apparent suicide over the weekend, with new reports raising questions about the federal jail where he was being held. One of Epstein's guards at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on the night he died was reportedly not a regular corrections officer.

On Monday, Attorney General William Barr criticized the detention center where the disgraced financier was held. "We will get to the bottom of what happened and there will be accountability," Barr said. "I was appalled and frankly angry to learn of the MCC's failure to adequately secure this prisoner."

Government investigators raided the alleged sex trafficker's private island in the Virgin Islands Monday.

With Epstein gone, potential co-conspirators involved in his alleged sex-trafficking network are shifting into focus. British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is one of four women accused of recruiting underage girls for sex. She's denied those claims in the past and has not been charged with a crime. Maxwell is said to be Epstein's ex-girlfriend turned business associate. Her current location is unknown.

"She was more of a partner in his obsession, really," said Miami Herald reporter Julie Brown, who spent more than two years looking into Epstein's controversial 2008 plea deal. "And there are allegations that she was involved in having sex with some of these girls as well."

Thank you to Julie Brown and all others which include investigative, independent, citizen journalists who have been taking a look at this for well over 2 years now. It is good these people are Now, finally on mainstream media's radar.

Court documents from 2011 reveal Epstein controlled several apartments in a building just blocks from his $77 million New York townhouse and allegedly housed "underage girls from all over the world."

Barr also issued a stern warning for anyone who may be evading justice: "Let me assure you that this case will continue on against anyone who was complicit with Epstein. Any co-conspirators should not rest easy. The victims deserve justice and they will get it."

CBS News has learned that Epstein's estranged brother Mark was called and he identified Epstein's body. The New York City Medical Examiner's office has performed an autopsy, but the results are still pending.

In an interview with our West Palm Beach affiliate WPEC-TV, a former Florida corrections worker said Epstein was "treated like a celebrity" during his 13-month stint in a county jail after he pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution. She claims his cell was regularly left unlocked and she saw him move freely through the dormitory area — sometimes completely naked — without repercussions.

Guards were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes so why wasn't protocol followed?

Prosecution from the U.S. Attorney's office alleged Epstein abused children from about the years 2002-2005 using cash payments.

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Victims as young as 14. Other information exists showing allegations from unsealed documents of 12 year olds from other countries.

For instance,

Who boarded Epstein’s plane from a MILITARY installation in Japan:

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The next stop they made was to Hong Kong International Airport VHHH to refuel. They proceeded to stop off at ZGSZ airport. It’s the third largest International Airport in Guangdong China, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport. The flight logs don’t show it but it is alleged that two other passengers was received before they reached their final destination.

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The next destination was (WSSS) Singapore International Airport where they dropped off the “Clean Energy” adviser and were entertained in Singapore staying at a boutique hotel the outgoing Chinese President chose.

Two days later they departed for (VTBD) Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand without the Chinese President where they picked up three Thai 12-14 year old females and departed for Brunei.

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In 1997, during Clinton’s final term of his presidency a woman named filed by former Miss USA named Shannon Marketic sued Jefri and the sultan for $10 million, claiming that she and six other young women had been hired for $127,000 each to travel to Brunei for professional appearances, supposedly involving “intellectual conversations” with visiting dignitaries, but instead were forced to serve as “sex slaves.”

The Sultan relied on the one fact of DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY to beat the charges he was facing. The Clinton Administration helped make the case go away on the notion of diplomatic immunity. When he arrived to visit Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah he brought with him the perks of Jeffrey Epstein and made the introduction to the Sultan as a man that can select the right women that won’t cause the concerns that arose by former Miss USA.

This introduction earned the Clinton Cartel between $1 MILLION- $5 MILLION.

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Epstein left on the 27th of May without Clinton. Instead Clinton spent time with the Sultan and flew to Europe on the Sultan’s private jet where he met up with his wife to discuss initiatives of the Clinton Foundation with a committee.

This is just another example of the CLINTON Cartel Quid Pro Quo and “helping” their friends for a price. The Sultan got away with the charges brought upon him and Epstein gained a very lucrative client while the Clinton Cartel got a hefty finders fee and a tip. We can add Crimes Against Children and trafficking to the list of criminal deeds by the Clinton Cartel or simply call it what it is: The Clintons and Epstein were business partners.

During Epstein’s plea deal a letter hoping to boost his image stated that he was “business partners” with Clinton because he was a co-Founder of the Clinton Foundation. Epstein thought that waving his clout with former IMPEACHED President Bill Clinton would help his image apparently it worked then but not now.

The Dead Model and the Dirty Billionaire

Pedro Gaspar was a fixture in New York’s nightclub scene. Why did his sudden death—above a modeling agency tied to Jeffrey Epstein—go unnoticed?

Yes, WHY?

MC2 has been back in the news lately thanks to court filings against billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. An alleged victim of Epstein’s has claimed that he pimped out underage girls to wealthy and powerful friends like Prince Andrew. She also claimed that Epstein got many of his girls from MC2 co-founder Jean-Luc Brunel, who “would bring young girls (ranging to ages as young as 12) to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein.” (Brunel has denied these claims. Epstein’s lawyers did not return requests for comment. Prince Andrew has previously denied the underage-sex allegations.)

Apparently Jean Luc Brunel did this,

Model King Sues Billionaire Perv Jeffrey Epstein
In a new lawsuit, the modeling mogul who has been accused of supplying Jeffrey Epstein with underage girls says the billionaire ruined his brand.

Back to the present

His death came less than 24 hours after 2,000 pages of new court documents became unsealed which included depositions and police reports.

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The reporter gives a warning that those who have to be really concerned are those involved in helping, aiding and abetting because they're looking at this as a possible Conspiracy! So he didn't say the word theory after conspiracy as all researchers and investigators on this story well before mainstream media decided to pick it up were called "conspiracy theorists," for daring to shine a light on this particular conspiracy. Interesting!

See an article here giving evidence,

QAnon team credited in the Daily Mail for doing research on Epstein, his island and pedogate abuses prior to the Miami Herald


Ghislaine encouraged Virginia Roberts Guiffre as a child to be a sex slave to Epstein, Epstein then guided her to be a slave to powerful men like Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico and former senator George Mitchell.

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It is alleged the medical examiner said there is no doubt that Jeffrey Epstein took his own life by hanging.

Which I still find interesting given others report he likely had paper sheets due to the other "suicide attempt."

This ABC news report says the lack of official evidence puts conspiracy theories into over drive because of Epstein's social connections.

Did you notice how the investigative reporter from ABC. . .Remember, Disney and ABC are in a partnership and you can note that Ghislaine Maxwell, named in those unsealed documents, whom even ABC states the Miami Herald claimed Maxwell was also a child sex abuser. . .Maxwell did a stint in conjunction with Disney And Disney cruise ships were known to stop at Little St. James. In other words it was an attraction for the Disney Cruise line.

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The above report is from ABC. Who is in a partnership with ABC?

Disney the mega conglomerate OWNS ABC,

Here is an infographic on all they own

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Incredible reach, power and influence across many platforms!

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To see more corporations who own and control the media along with various other industries go here,


I point to Who Owns the media so people think about that bias when they hear statements by ABC's investigative reporters. Their media is owned by a company who has this man, who collects "low brow" art on their board and the artists he collects from. . .many adhere to pedophilic art.

See examples here as this CEO of Nike sits on the board of Disney,
Some who have seen it also call it pedivore because there are examples of children like creations showing all of their organs and a great deal to do with butchering and the signaling of cannibalism which Hollywood enjoys doing in shows like the Santa Clarita Diet and balls they attend like the Moca Gala ball in 2011.


For a video report on what a Disney Cruise ship was involved in go here. this which can be listened to while working or doing chores.

Disney Sec Officer told Not to report to the U.S. the molestation of a child


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Sources and Connecting articles,









Excellent thread,


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
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Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Placed on Bitchute for archiving as they took this video down and removed my entire channel on YouTube though followed their rules and had even mainstream media sources.



Disney Security Officer told Not to report to the U.S. the molestation of a child

How Disney told a security officer who offered to report to the police department she had worked for a child molestation case while waiting for passengers to board.

Disney members in charge refused to wait to take care of the child molester and even paid for his trip home to India.

No charges brought against the molester.

#Pedogate, #DisneyCruise, #DisneyMolestation

The Road Map showing many roads lead to Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and ultimately lead you back to complicit corporate media in helping to create a cover-up!


Red Pilling Sources Collection of Pedogate evidence, sources, a planned pandemic to distract and those aiding in orchestrating it


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