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RE: A Contest Of Quotes

in #epicquote6 years ago

Heeeey @powellx5, sorry for taking so long to comment, life's kinda crazy over here.

I love your enthusiasm towards the book, you seem to really really love this one! Loads of points for you.
I don't read romances, actually, I kinda forgot about this part of life in my real life hahahahaha kinda exchanged girlfriends for an adventurous life.

The only one I've read is called Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis, do you know this one? a all time brazilian classic.

Thank you a bunch for the awesome post!


I'm not familiar with it, but I'll look into it.

Wuthering Heights isn't a romance story, it's a tragedy, really. It's more about.... deceit and revenge than love, but it's about love too. I guess it's about crazy people in dysfunctional relationships. lol

In any event, everyone can enjoy Total Eclipse Of the Heart. Right? It was inspired by the book. 😝

ahahha dysfunctional relationships good one

You know, I'm really slow when it comes to book reading, it's a shame I know, I should read much more. I remember that I read Dom Casmurro because my girlfriend at the time had dumped me hard, soI just wanted some distraction, from there on I've been reading here and there.

But I'm enjoying it a lot reading about other people favourite books and quotes, love the enthusiasm.

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