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RE: EPIC Tokens In 2 Weeks?! - The MOST Transparent Gambling dApp On STEEM?
Ehm interesting. Haha thats weird man.
Paying tax everytime you trade is insane (not sure if its the same in Denmark). I do pay taxes of my dividends from stocks which is only 25% of the profit, not bad. Only15% for candian stocks for some reason xD
Skattevæsenet in Denmark is not to much help aswell. I called them and asked. They said that if I withdrew the money and it wasn't coming from my main income(job) which is Tax A(38%), I would have to pay 60% in Tax B (if I told them) since it was more of a hobby of mine .
Not sure what the tax would be if it link to a business instead of myself, but properly a lot leas.
Smart to sell it to a real person, who just sends you the money instead of withdrawing it.
Posted using Partiko Android