An Interview with Ocean about EOS BP Candidacy

in #eosgravity6 years ago

Yesterday, Ocean, founder of EOS Gravity, was interviewed by Nana from Lian Guan Tian Xia(A Chinese Media company on blockchain industry).

He answered many questions including the EOS BP candidacy.

Below is a summary extracted from the interview.

Nana: The rules of voting are quite clear as in 30 votes per EOS and there's a reasonable concern that alliance formation among big EOS holders or exchanges is likely to happen, which eventually will harm the chain. What's your opinion on it?

Ocean: Good question. I think, generally speaking, this is not a bad thing. If we look at it from a long-term perspective, say 3 to 5 years, no one is able to become the absolute centre of power, only that some will possess a relatively larger resource to push forward more changes. That said, the overall situation, as I would think, is optimistic.

Nana: 18 out of 50 BP candidates are from China, which indicates the scope of participation. Nevetheless, I'd like to know your opinion on the depth of participation of the Chinese candidates.

Ocean: Every team has it own way of participating so there's no general description on them as a whole. But to answer your question, as far as I know, it is the blockchain veterans who founded most of the teams in China.

Nana: What's the advantages of EOS Gravity have over its rivals?

Ocean: Three words would perfectly sum up: earliest, biggest and professional. Why?
EOS Gravity is the only one who started a running a community in a professional and organized way since September, 2017. We have grown into a community of 100,000 members from scratch since then.
It indicates that more and more people are willing to join the EOS community and also EOS Gravity is becoming more recognized and acknowledged by the mass. Many people think that we are a bunch of idiots who have no idea what we are doing, which is understandable because all we do is to educate the community, to serve as a bridge and to contribute to the EOS ecosystem without any financial gain. It is indeed unprofitable from a short-term perspective but it will turn into an competitive edge in the future.

Nana: As you just said that EOS Gravity has been providing service to the community for free, I wonder that in this day and age when knowledge acquirement always comes at a price, is providing free content will acctually promote the quality of service?

Ocean: Blockchain is a field still known to a relatively smaller group of people. It'll make it even less accessible if we set up threshold to beginners. EOS Gravity provides better contents and values than most of those who provide paid contents. After all, this is a matter of attitude and concept of value, rather than money.

Nana: It is said that the reward for BP shrinks from 5% to 1%. What are the motive and purpose of this change of blockone in your view?

Ocean: Contributing to the EOS eosystem is the foundamental demand Blockone has for BPs and profit seeker is the least they want to see. Lowering the reward can effectively discourage those who want to make a fortune from the game as they will no longer think the business model profitable. Therefore, this is a rather smart move to gather like-minded people. Moreover, they probably think that 1% is enough to cover the annual costs.

Nana: Let's assume if the 1% reward got cancelled too, will you abandon candidacy? why?

Ocean: Good qustion. I actually have answered this question before. And my answer would be yes, I will continue doing so if there were no financial incentives. The reason people choose EOS is that we have faith in its future development. The largest gain we can take away from EOS is its token price that will rise along with the prosperity of EOS ecosystem.
We are aiming at the having a spot in the platform where we can further promote the ecosystem, rather than the incentives.

Nana: If the reward bounces back to 5%, is there a better way of allocating the money?

Ocean: This is a possibility that has been discussed before. What should we do with the money left from building ecosystem or Dapp investment? Speaking from the perspective of token issuer, the extra money need to be removed from the market to lessen the tokens in circulation, which is good for everyone. Or a better alternative would be we give away the extra to voters, not only to those who vote for us, but also to everyone who voted. This is a great way of encouraging voting and contributing to the community.
Another way is to invest in Dapp teams. They can give us candies that we can transfer to all voters. These are the possible ways that I can think of for now.

Nana: What types of DApps are your team developing? When will they be launched?

Ocean: Three fields are quite promising for DApp development:
Game: Games are intrinsically compatible with blockchain. It has the potential to viral spreading which can in turn promote EOS.
Social Network: The reasons are the same: it helps more people to realize the value of blockchain.
Financial sector: It is also closely linked to the characristics of blockchain.
Actually, our team has been accumulating resources in this three regards but we will keep silent until the product come into shape.

Nana: Is EOS a decentrilized system or more of a centrilized one? What do you think?

Ocean: EOS is more like a compromise between centrilization and absolute decentrilization, which I think is necessary. It is like a small degree of centrilization which exists in BTC and Ethereum.

Nana: I've read some articles of yours in which you mentioned that you've always had a grit for the greatness of EOS, but in the eyes of some people, it's more like an act of affectation. What's your thoughts on this?

Ocean: Let's look at it in this way: Am I faking it? I can only say that if I were to fake it, it's be too much effort for me to fake it such a long time. It'll probably result in split personality, which is not something to be easily handled for any of us. If I was fake, I won't be able to fake it for over 6 months. Did I say anything that contradicts to my own speeches? The community is watching and there must be some proof if I did.

Nana: Could you wrap up the interview by giving some tips on investment?

Ocean: My investment philosophy is quite simple, which is similar to doing business. The primary principle is to choose the right person. You have to know the team well enough to place your trust in them. I've done extensive research on BM, including all of his articles, his stories and everything. Therefore, I am confident in his ability to success, which is the reason I chose to devote myself in EOS.

Nana: Speaking of your confidence in BM, concerns are showed on the reliability of BM. What do you think?

Ocean: It is undeniable that BM is an unpredictable person, which can be good or bad. The bad aspect is that many people can't understand him and there might be some
disagreement within the team. The good aspect is that only through changes can you adapt to the constantly changing environment. If you stays in the past, you will be vulnerable to the outside impacts.

If BM hadn't left Bitshares or Steemit, he wouldn't be able to successfully start EOS this
soon. As is said that every coin has two sides. I think it won't be a big problem as long as
we keep the bad aspect in control.

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