EOS Amsterdam - EOS Gov Telegram Channel summary August 12 – August 13 2018/ 每日小结8月12日-8月13日

in #eosamsterdam6 years ago

(Summary from 12:00 August 12th till 12:00 August 13th)

User Luc Ibata Okalobe: Haven’t been here in a while. Always seems to be a crisis. This time looks like it’s the alliance. Governance is messy I guess. Anyway, came across this thought it's perfect for the EOS community. Market 3.0 http://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Market_3.0. Looks like what EOS and Chamapesa are trying to build. User Emma: I assure you that this will not be pursued because it will disempower those who know best what the community needs.

User Okayplanet shares the following: https://steemit.com/eos/@okayplanet/why-i-support-worker-proposals User Cesar: Yup! https://blog.ethereum.org/2018/05/02/announcing-may-2018-cohort-ef-grants/ https://blog.ethereum.org/2018/03/07/announcing-beneficiaries-ethereum-foundation-grants/ Some ideas from other blockchains. User Kyle: ‘Nice article and you have a great way of explaining things. With regards to your worry Re: ‘robust BP watchdog tools being built by BPs’, I urge you to look to independent EOS community members and token holders who have self organised and already started building these tools.
EOS BP Compliance
EOS Voter proxies
Controlling Hand’
Okayplanet: Thanks, Kyle. I’m familiar with their work and would love it if there was a system for community to reward their efforts. Kyle: ‘Fair comment. I also feel a lot of community members work deserves to be rewarded.
But when voting is the method of deciding distribution of these funds; it’s hard to square that particular circle. Those with the most tokens will likely propose and vote for their own projects and thus funnel the 4% inflation into their own pockets. This would be more damaging to the community. Scrapping it is the lesser of the two evils and is ‘more fair’ to the community as a whole.’

User Sharif Bouktila: ‘My big concern is that without a fund we are reliant on B.1 for updates forever.
Ok - They have vested their 10% for 10 years and verbally committed to keep working on it , but their focus is going to change to DApps , what if one of them balloons to Facebook type scale. 10 years is forever in Technology. A lot will happen in that time.’ Kyle: Surely they’d want to protect their investment? Aligned interests is EOS game theory. Sharif Bouktila:
Today Dan said he’d choose a chain which scraps then 4%, seems like a low bar to set for picking where to deploy. He didn’t say whatever the community wants, or whichever is most performant or secure. It doesn’t smell right. Kyle: It would be nice to hear more details on his reasoning. User Tanish EOSMetal: He mentioned he will write a post as reasoning. When will he write it is a different question. Users Okayplanet, Sharif Bouktila and Kyle are looking forward to it.

User Tanish EOSMetal: I like the idea suggested by Todor for funneling the projects. https://steemit.com/eos/@todor/scaling-the-worker-proposal-distribution-system. An interesting idea though I don’t think it would safeguard corruption, we know how people get their way out.
用户Luc Ibata Okalobe:有一段时间没有来过这里。似乎总是危机。这一次看起来像是联盟。我想,治理很混乱。无论如何,我觉得这个想法对EOS社区来说是完美的。市场3.0 http://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Market_3.0。

https://blog.ethereum.org/2018/05/02/announcing-may-2018-cohort-ef-grants/ https://blog.ethereum.org/2018/03/07/announcing-beneficiaries-ethereum-
EOS 节点服从性

用户Sharif Bouktila:'我最担心的是,如果没有基金,我们将永远依赖B.1进行更新。
好的 - 他们10年来已经给了10%期权,并且口头承诺继续努力,但他们的重点将转向DApps,如果其中一个膨胀达到Facebook类型规模的话。 10年是技术永远。那段时间会发生很多事情。“Kyle:当然他们想保护他们的投资?对齐的利益是EOS博弈论。Sharif Bouktila:

今天丹说,他会选择一条链,然后取消这4%。他没有说社区想要什么,或者说最具性能或安全性。感觉不太对劲。Kyle:和希望能听到他的更多解释。用户Tanish EOSMetal:他提到他会写一篇文章来解释。他什么时候写,那就是另一个问题了。用户Okayplanet,Sharif Bouktila和Kyle都很期待。

用户Tanish EOSMetal:我喜欢Todor建议的用于汇集项目的想法。 https://steemit.com/eos/@todor/scaling-the-worker-proposal-distribution-system。

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