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RE: Dan Larimer - Decentralized Blockchain Governance "Decentralization is a myth"

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

Dan is trying to justify the "elite" who are the EOS block producers. It seems that it should be easier to find more than 21 EOS block producers in the world. Why doesn't EOS set up block producing pools so that more people can participate?

There may be only a few pools containing Bitcoin and Ethereum production but I don't think that anyone has much trouble joining them.

I really hope that this isn't going to be like the BCH roll-out where the lead figures start claiming that their coin is the new Bitcoin. The whole market goes down because of this hubris.


Dan is doing the exact opposite in his article, just like the intention of BCH has always been the exact opposite of what you said.

He isn't trying to sell his blockchain concept? Why not?

Roger Ver was selling firecrackers on EBay and was arrested for it. That sounds like someone who does everything out of the goodness of his heart and never tries to make a profit.

I'm so glad we are surrounded by saints.

THE OPPOSITE!!! He's saying the opposite!!! He is explaining how bad shit is bad, contrary to popular belief.

Bad shit is bad!!! He's calling out shit-ass behaviour to those haven't realized it yet. He's explaining how crappy and shitty important shit people are shitting over crypto.

You know how everyone thinks crypto is decentralized? He is explaining how it ISN'T DECENTRALIZED. Get it? He's shouting "YOU SEE THIS STUFF YOU THINK IT'S GOOD? IT'S ACTUALLY HORSESHIT. YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO. IT'S ALL BULLSHIT."

Also he isn't advertising EOS, he is talking about every crypto, including EOS.

Decentralization is a myth. That is valid to every crypto out there, including EOS.

tl;dr: the opposite

He is saying that "decentralization" is a myth BECAUSE he pretends to have a good solution for it. His solution essentially rejects decentralization and its possibility. It is giving up on decentralization.

Like in society, bad actors are few and good actors are many. Larimer's designation of 21 block producers hurts the many because of the bad actions of a few. It is faithless just like socialism and communism and fascism and elitism.

For example, I can process golem transactions and earn some coin just by offering my cpu. Only 21 actors can do this with eos. EOS is faithless.

I'm running an eos node. Transactions are coming through. My CPU and bandwidth are being used. I get nothing.

All the developers are in the "Access network", they preprocess transactions for the "Core Network" and the nodes in the "Access network" get no rewards.

I'm sorry, because this post was made around Dan's exposure of crypto centralization, I interpreted your words solely under this idea, therefore failing to understand your context.

Now, reading it again under the context of the whole article on medium instead of just the "there is no decentralization" part, I can only say I 100% agree with you.

Regardless, the discussion is useful. There are probably benefits to EOS pseudo-centralized model but it doesn't compete with Bitcoin in my mind.

Any experiment towards true decentralization is welcome, so it should be highly fostered ($) regardless of competition, in my opinion.

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