Steemit-uyo EOS Hangout with @Ejemai

in #eos6 years ago

The saying "United we stand" is true as I've come to attest to it since I joined @Steemit-uyo community spearheaded by @samstickkz.
There vital information about promoting Steemit,earning on Steemit is shared. Also, other information about the crypto world is shared there so as to carry everyone along cos most of us are still new here.

So Today, to further prove the saying United we stand, a Steemit /Eos Hangout was organized with the aim of telling us how to invest our hard earned SBDs.
In attendance at the hangout which was had @steemit-uyo hub were @Ejemai of @stach, @Nairadaddy of @air-clinic and @samstickkz.

Me and @ejemai

The Hangout started with @ejemai who emphasized on decentralising offline, making the African youths financially independent on the government.

@ejemai presenting using slides.

He then started talking about EOS with slides which he said its a smart contract Co founded by Dan Larimer . But before that people were told to open a bitshares account which about 20people did.
The EOS.IO software introduces a new blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications. This is achieved by creating an operating system-like construct upon which applications can be built. The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across hundreds of CPU cores or clusters. The resulting technology is a blockchain architecture that scales to millions of transactions per second, eliminates user fees, and allows for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications.source.
He further went on to make some analysis and told us about the advantages which includes

Proof of work/Proof of stake
Fast and secure
Stolen account Recovery and others.

He ended by saying Don't be in a hurry to sale your SBDs,invest it
After he was done, @samstickkz took over

@samstickkz touched three things

@samstickkz analysing Coinmarketcap

1)How to backup a bitshares account.

He said backup helps us to get everything in our bitshares account even when we've lost out devices. He directed us to go to the settings,click on backup and download the Json file. Then save it to an online storage cloud.


2)Comparing between and

He said coinmarketcap lists coins according to their marketcap while bloctivity has to do with the number of activities performed on the coin daily. On bloctivity, it was seen that steem and bitshares are first and third respectively meaning Eos which is founded by co-founder of Steem has a great potential. We also analyzed their capacities and saw they can carry more and more as their capacities isn't up-to 2%. So there's hope.

  1. How to buy Eos

First here, he told us about Technical white paper Screenshot_20180204-002626.pngwhich has the necessary information about any coin. We checked it, we saw EOS is an ICO and need Etherum to be bought. So, to buy Eos, go to,find Eos then click on market then check for the site that accepts any coin you have to give you etherum. After that, do the transactions and you are good to go.

Thanks for reading.


It really makes me happy whenever I see Steemians helping each other. Thank you for sharing this. Pls send our regards to your Steemian friends.

From the Philippines with ❤️

Oh. I'm glad you came around. Helping each other should be our sole aim here cos that's the best service to humanity. My regards to the amazing steemians over there in Philippines. Sent yours already

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66338.04
ETH 3306.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69