EOS Launchday - Token Registration - Are your EOS tokens registered ? How to do it with Metamask

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


How to register your EOS tokens using Metamask and how to check if your tokens are properly registered and will be transferred to your EOS wallet when the MainNet launches in June

Here is how I proceeded, I have been using Metamask, in which I have imported myetherwallet. The use of Metamask makes the whole process much easier in my opinion.

This is the complete procedure, from getting the EOS tokens to the launch in June.

FIRST OF ALL, MAKE SURE your Metamask is pointing on the ETH account you are going to use for buying and holding your EOS tokens then, go to eos.io and find the "EOS Token distribution" section.
  1. Register your pair of EOS keys, 1 public, 1 private (don't miss this occasion to write them down in a very safe place). Once you confirm, Metamask is going to popup and you will have to pay some gas fees for registering the keys. Simply check the amount = 0, do not touch to the proposed amount of gas and click on the "SUBMIT" button without waiting to long. You will have to wait between 1 and 5 minutes before the outgoing transaction appears inside the ETH blockchain.
    You can check if your transaction went through by refreshing your eth wallet address on etherscan

  2. Buy your EOS tokens on eos.io in the "EOS Token distribution" section, click on GET EOS, chose the amount of ETH you want to engage into your purchase and click SEND. Again, your Metamask is going to popup, check if the amount of ETH is the one you decided to invest and click on the SUBMIT button. You can then check your transaction in etherscan

  3. Wait until the end of the 23 hours period you have been participating into

  4. After checking your Metamask is still pointing on the same ETH wallet you have used for registering your keys and purchasing the EOS tokens, go back to eos.io

  5. Claim your EOS tokens. You will find in the "EOS Token distribution" section, at the exact same place you went for registering your pair of EOS keys and purchasing your EOS tokens, the amount of Unclaimed EOS tokens you obtained. Then, you are going to click on the "CLAIM EOS" button and browse down a little bit the page, check if the informations are correct and click the CLAIM button again. It's becoming a ritual, Metamask is going to popup(why ? because the gas fees to send the EOS tokens inside our ETH wallet are not offered by the block.one team) ;) THEN, simply check if the amount = 0, if yes, click on the SUBMIT button, then, again, go and check your transaction in etherscan. Token are taking more time than ETH to go through the blockchain, stay patient, 15 minutes later*, everything should be inside your ETH wallet.

  6. To verify that your ETH wallet containing your EOS tokens is properly linked to your EOS keys and that you will not be forgotten the day EOS will be launched, simply go on this fantastic EOS coutdown website, then, in the left margin, you will find this fantastic little tool :
    EOS Countdown.com
    Simply copy and past the public key of your ETH wallet (the one in which you are holding your EOS tokens), you will INSTANTLY have a diagnostic if YES or NO your tokens are registered and will be transferred to your EOS wallet when the MainNet launches.

A last important point, your EOS tokens will not automatically be displayed in Metamask. You can see them with etherscan or add the EOS token inside the token tab of Metamask, you will need to introduce the EOS contract address which is 0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf

I would like to apologize for my english as it is not my mother-tongue language.

Have a nice day steemians !


*this problem will be solved by the use of EOS ;)


That's a good informative post,by this post we will be benefited.I joined eos go but i am unable to understand it.Some free eos coin will be great.@upvoted and resteemed

wow thats a great informative post.

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