Why Your EOS BP Vote Will Be The Most Important Vote of Your LIFETIME!

in #eos6 years ago

Hello peeps! With EOS mainnet set to launch any day now, and the first BP votes set to take place. I thought I’d share my thoughts on why I believe this may be the most important vote of our lifetimes.

Our current election system is broken

We are led to believe we live in a democracy, but we really don’t. We truly only live in a democracy once every 4-6 years(depending on what country you live in). Because our election cycles take place only once per 4-6 years, there are no measures for accountability for corrupt politicians who have repeatedly used and abused this. Politicians have repeatedly promised us the moon to win our votes, broken every promise after they are elected, then 4-6 years later, get their act together just enough to lie to us to try and get our votes again. In the EOS network, our BPs will be subject to constant, ongoing elections. This means that if they break their promises like our politicians have done, we will be able to vote them out immediately. Now for the first time, our elected officials will be held accountable 24/7/365.

This goes beyond politics

I gave the example of politicians, because that’s the most relatable example for us. But this applies to many other real-world examples as well. Social media is a great example. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other centralized social media platforms are rampant with political bias. This has led to unfair governance and violations of our first amendment right to free speech. They have gone on massive censorship rampages, censoring everything that they don’t agree with, putting their own political biases above their responsibility to do their job. There is no objectivity, no fairness, no balance. But that’s all about to change with decentralization. Under the EOS constitution, we as a community will decide what goes on. And if our BPs don’t listen to us, we will be able to replace them with BPs who will.

For the first time, your vote will matter. Go vote!

Finally, I’d like to say, if you are a HODLer of EOS, please make sure you exercise your constitutional right to vote! We have been given a great privilege and power, however none of it will mean anything at the end of the day if we don’t use it. This is the beauty of EOS and decentralization. To quote one of my favorite movies lines of all time from Spiderman, “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Centralized authorities are out of the picture. We have the power now to make EOS a flourishing ecosystem. And with that, also comes the responsibility to do so. It will only go as far as we take it. So please, go vote, participate in the community, and do your part!

With Great Power...Comes Great Responsibility!


Image sources: 123

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