Something is not right at the moment.

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Looking around reddit and /biz/ there is an unusual silence around EOS. There is a lot of talk about other coins. The usual chainlink garbage on /biz/ and maybe a few threads about ether getting Casper. r/CryptoCurrency seems to be doing the same song and dance and they are even on record as being somewhat anti EOS over there. I like to call them the John Olivers as I wish for that man to gain a reputation for being memed as a skeptic of EOS.


Meanwhile EOS is slowly creeping up on mainnet. One of its airdrops has just had a 50% bump. Nothing else on the market outside of low cap ponzi schemes is even KIND of close to the potential of EOS right now. Especially since technically a lot of the EOS airdrops will be low cap coins to begin with. If an airdrop suddenly gains 1000% you get to participate simply for holding EOS in the first place. And new coins with relatively low sat value are known for doing exactly that.

Guys, I think its afraid.

I am sensing an air of fear at the moment. There is way too much reason for the hype to be off the charts for EOS at the moment and nobody is talking about it. Given the current environment we are even seeing EOS decline in value and total silence. No pink wojacks or even a peep about it. Detractors are not even trolling by showing a graph of red dildos and exclaiming "I told you so!"

I have not felt a calm before the storm like this since the Bitcoin cash debacle. I sense turbulence in the near future to the likes of legendary proportions. Even with the Bitcoin cash situation it was a sudden event that propelled us into cataclysmic turmoil and prepared us all for the epic dragon slaying that never came to be.

Yet now I am easily looking at a coin that can slay a dragon effortlessly being met with total silence. I think shits about to get real.


I've been thinking about grabbing some EOS if it goes below $10.00 USD, doing some research into it and it seems pretty cool. Although, I do think STEEM and SMT addition is a more enticing end product than what I've seen for EOS still.

I am at a loss how anyone can not understand the gravity of EOS right now.
There will be a day where the coin has had 1000 airdrops. each airdrop can be worth a different amount based on the dapp it was made for.

I don't know if SMTs will function the same way as EOS but it would be pretty cool if it did.

I am personally at a point right now where I will safely say, nothing else matters in crypto right now. EOS might as well be the only fucking coin in existence. I am holding a nice chunk of steem but really all steem shows is how good a dapp can be.

I see people often talk about coins like Nano or ETH or Bitcoin Cash or Cardano. Fuck all of that shit right now. Fuck ALL OF IT.

Lol yeah currency coins are just cringe at this point.

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