Starteos Block Producer Report

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


  1. Public website URL and at least one social media account (all social media links offered by candidate will be shared in report)

Wechat Official Account:Starteos
Knowledge Planet:

2.Links to the following ID information, all posted to the Steem blockchain (either in one post or multiple)*:

A) Official block producer candidate name

B) Location of company headquarters
High-Tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China

C) Expected location of servers
Seoul, South Korea

D) Type of servers
Master Server:AWS x1.32xlarge (128 vCPUs; 1952G RAM; 21920 SSD)
Slave Server:AWS x1.32xlarge (128 vCPUs; 1952G RAM; 21920 SSD)

E) Current employee list and pictures of at least 67% of staff, relevant background qualifications for at least 67% of staff.
Ang Li--CEO
--Master of Chinese People's Liberation Army Ground Force Service University;
--Founder of Chongqing Yuhuan Technology Co., Ltd.;
--Founder of Canoepool;
--CEO of Starteos.
Huadong Wu --Project Director
--Co-founder of HC-O Inc
--7 years of working experiences in project development and management, familiar with blockchain and DAPP development
--Blockchain expander of Starteos.
Yonghui Chen--PM
--Founder of HC-O Inc.
--Early practitioner of blockchain, blockchain strategic planner of Starteos;
--Many years of experiences in research of internet products; has provided technical solutions for domestic and overseas companies of Fortune Global 500 for many times;
Yang Yang --CTO
--Co-founder of HC-O Inc.;
--Many years of experiences in internet software development, familiar with DAPP development;
--Proficient in data encryption and network safety.
Ping Xie --CFO
--Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Financial Management of Chongqing University;
--CFO of Chongqing Yuhuan Technology Co., Ltd.;
--CFO of Starteos.
Wencheng Zhao--Liaison Director
--Master in Finance of New York University
--Acted as analyst in Deutsche Bank
--Acted as Project Manager of Strategic Development Department in Asian Potash Group
--Liaison Director of Starteos
Yong Lin --COO
--Senior investor of blockchain industry
--Many years of working experiences in operation of pool and mines
Feifei Yu --Operation Manager
-- Senior investor of blockchain industry
-- Promotion Manager of Canoepool

3. Estimate of technical specifications and total expenditure for resources by June 3, 2018 - posted to Steem blockchain.

1) As to a network node, high I/O and provision of stable service are necessary. Therefore, the node must have the qualities such as, high availability, scalability and high performance. In addition to the BP production server, we will split the service and provide multiple modular plug-in servers to provide regular API services. We will deploy the main service cluster in Seoul and will also establish multiple backup service clusters worldwide. We will set up an LBS service cluster to share the access traffic and ensure that the system is available 7*24 hours. According to the current server pressure, we will use Docker containers to increase backend services quickly and smoothly to achieve horizontal expansion. Via round-the-clock inspection system, full-time operation and maintenance personnel will monitor the entire process from the traffic entrance to the export to ensure the safety and stability of each step. The construction of automated facilities will ensure that the system can have better fault tolerance and backup.

2) System architecture diagram

3) Estimated scaling plan for hardware after June 3, 2018 - posted to Steem blockchain.

After the predictive evaluation of our service, we will upgrade the server on RAM, expand capacity of SSD, and optimize and upgrade the network bandwidth. We may use AWS x1e.32xlarge, and will deploy one master server and one slave server

4) Community benefit project outline, only for projects expected to be public by June 3, 2018

Our goal: Make contribution to EOS community

a. Ranking list of DAPP
In order to better promote the development of EOS and DAPP, we will create a ranking list of DAPP which will be free to all EOS fans. The list will be evaluated by our researchers and we will also invite some well-known opinion leaders and rating agencies of the blockchain circle to conduct joint evaluation. The evaluation contents include, but not limited to, DAPP positioning, market analysis, team analysis, partners/investors, project planning and progress, location, etc.

b. Joint Laboratory
We co-build the “Blockchain Technology Research and Application Joint Laboratory” with UESTC. The joint laboratory is led by professor Hang Lei and consists of a delegated team containing 3 doctoral candidates, 5 postgraduate students, 2 overseas students and several undergraduates. The two parties have reached a strategic cooperation agreement in the field of science and technology, blockchain generic technology research, blockchain information security mechanism research, and the advanced information technology that is applicable to blockchain and internet. The alliance of Starteos and UESTC will push the development of blockchain and EOS, and cultivate a group of outstanding EOS development talents.

c. Starteos community alliance

We have set up official website and WeChat public account to provide EOS fans with a platform for learning and communicating. At the same time, we also share EOS-related information on the websites such as Steemit and Reddit, allowing more people to know EOS and understand EOS.

d. We have set up telegram groups, WeChat groups, knowledge planet communities, etc., and been sharing EOS latest information, DAPP development experiences, and EOS industry nitty-gritty advice for members.

e. EOS talent cultivation

  1. Joint Laboratory: We co-established a "Joint Laboratory" with the University of Electronic Science and Technology and have cultivated a group of outstanding EOS-based development talents.

  2. Live teaching: We will invite experts and technology hackers in blockchain industry to provide live teaching, and give everyone who loves EOS and the people who work on EOS to cooperate, communicate and improve themselves from the perspective of operations, development, etc. We are dedicated to contributing to the development of EOS.

  3. Salon & Summit: We will hold a series of salons and summits from time to time, and will invite industry experts and EOS enthusiasts to communicate face to face. Through the opportunities of offline exchanges, EOS enthusiasts could learn each other's strongpoints and overcome each other’s shortcomings . At the same time, we will promote EOS technology and the community spirit conveyed by EOS.

  4. Block Producer Roadmap

1).Our values:

As BP, we will contribute to the promotion of EOS community, increase the influence of the community, encourage and help more DAPP developpers for the realization of the DAPPs. At the same time, we will make critical decisions or recommendations in order to maintain the stability of the network.

2). Our Roadmap:

May 2018: Test and perfect node network, build and complete the first-stage operational architecture and wait for the launch of the main chain.

June 2018: Complete the corresponding supporting component service module to provide a good development environment for DAPP developers.

3). Financial Statement:

Starteos is independently funded and fully owned by Ang Li. The expenditure used for the block candidacy activities is also provided by Ang Li. We estimate an expenditure of approximately 1,200,000 USD by June 3rd and we will publish the costs for expansions as EOS network is expanded. The funding has been provided without strings attached, just for a better EOS community and for us to grow and improve with EOS. Attaching importance to the right to speak for the company and decide for projects, we have not accepted any investment or financing. All the funds came out of our pocket.


30% Operation cost (Administrative, Payroll & Operations)
20% DAPP development(Starteos digital wallet, upcoming DAPPs)
20% Community projects(DAPP rating and corresponding public service support for the Community)
15% Taxes & Legal fees
10% Hardware & Insurance costs
5% Enterprise reserves

4). We will disclose our revenue items and expenditures. We will use part of the proceeds for normal service maintenance and the other part to continue investing in community development.

6. Position on Dividends

We will not perform vote purchase. We will invest revenues other than the expenses related with maintenance, etc. into the development of community projects and reward those individuals or organizations that have made contributions to the community.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63630.04
ETH 2656.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81