Setting up to finally vote in EOS

in #eos6 years ago

By recommendation from @lukestokes and @ashe-oro, I have begun the process of setting up @greymass EOS voter 0.3.0 to be able to vote in EOS.

It's daunting.

First I entered my private key wrong three times.

holy shit, did I write it down wrong?

Next, I couldn't get my local wallet password right.

hmm, should I be doing this??

Now, it's time to read and sign the constitution.

wow, I'm about to voluntarily become part of a global governance system. this is fucking big.

This constitution is legit, y'all. This is a globally applied governance. Read it here and carefully consider it before you enter this space. It is heavy. It's a contract with every single person that ever uses EOS. And it is 100% voluntary. Voluntary governance. Now there's a revolutionary idea.

Another exciting idea: I have a shit ton of airdrops in my wallet already. Wow.

26.8002 KARMA
2.9778 HORUS
2.9778 CET
2.9778 COA

Waiting in my wallet for me. Absolutely breathtaking so far. I'm overwhelmed honestly. So much to learn. I'm as excited about this right now as I was when I initially got into crypto back in December. Maybe even more excited. I need to research these projects!

First, before learning, I need to go to bed. It's 0300 and I've got to be up for church in a few hours. Have a good evening.

Stay relevant



That is good to see, we need as many members voting as possible to get real bp’s back in the top 21.

No disrespect to @lukestokes but he better wallet/Voting app is simplEOS by far in my opinion.

So far my votes are Luke, greymass, and eoscafe. Which others do you recommend I look into?

Luke has been one of my main guides in EOS. I took a break from it the last couple weeks to focus on steem and the #minnowuprising, but I'm excited to resume activity there. I'm an even smaller minnow in EOS than I am in steem lol

Hey @nateonsteemit, you just received a random 100% upvote for your activity at the @minnowsmith project! Stay tuned and keep mining. :)

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