EOSBlack - Managing my EOS Airdrops
EOSBlack has been on a tear in recent weeks up over 600% in the last 2 months and is currently up to .25 per token. This has been the most profitable airdrop so far and by a lot.

This was a "free" airdrop to EOS token holders during the Genesis snapshot taken back in June. With a float of 850-Million to 3-Billion tokens, this token is currently valued at somewhere between $200 Million and $750 Million USD. CoinMarketCap doesn't have the circulating supply updated otherwise this would fall in the top 25 coins. I think that's a bit overvalued (probably way overvalued), thus I pulled the trigger.
Not wanting to be greedy, I sold 75% of my stake and pocketed the proceeds of a few hundred EOS back into the EOS main-net token. I've got my finger close to the trigger on that remaining 25%. We've seen several other wild swings with EOSDAC and Everipedia's IQ token for short periods of time, ultimately they've fallen back to pennies or fractions of a penny.
I think speculation and difficulty liquidating this token are driving the rise in price. I had to set up Scatter on my Greymass Wallet to get to a Chinese DEX known as Newdex. On top of that, I created a new EOS account and transferred my EOSBlack tokens there so I wouldn't even risk exposing my main keys via this process. Good luck for the average user.
Time will only tell the future of EOS Black. Its an interesting VC funding concept and if they hit a few home-runs, .25 might be cheap but its still way early for this type of valuation.
Their roadmap is still at least a year out from doing anything to justify the valuation.
You can learn more about EOSBlack from their website, https://www.eosblack.io
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My EOS was on binance and then I sold it after main net went live.
Because it was on in binance at the time of the switch and not in a private eos wallet, will I still have the air drops?? Like @stockjockey I've never checked (or know how to) to see what eos drops I have.
Binance did not support this Airdrop. I'm sure they just kept them.
The only ones I know they supported were EON, ATD, EOP, ADD and MEETONE
Found it! Here's the EOSBlack Binance didn't airdrop on its users. Its only worth $3 million right now.
I must be asleep at the Wheel since I have not looked at any of the EOS Airdrops that I may have. I bought EOS over a year ago and It just sits. One day I will take the time to see what I have.
If you held the tokens in an EOS wallet, all of the Airdrops should be there.
Thank You I should set up an EOS Wallet
What itches me, they have been continuously strong ever since, it's not that the price has suddenly bumped or anything, it's been a steady rise....
The volume has gone down as the price has gone up...not a healthy sign. If its ever listed on a major exchange, I'd short it.
Read the same at 0.035 already....