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RE: Bringing It All Together: A User-Centered Approach to EOS Voting

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

I'm confused by your replies. As I already said:

My comments were not about the referendum.

It sounds to me you're saying the problem with voter apathy is that we don't have a unified portal design. I think the problem is we don't have secure hardware wallets, so many token holders are patiently waiting and Dan has mentioned this is a priority for Block One to come out with secure wallets with hardware encryption and biometrics for Mabook Pro and iPhone.

I didn't mention referendum voting at all in my comments, other than to say that's not what my comment was about. From my perspective we're completely missing each other in this conversation. If you want to talk about the referendum contract, please link me to a discussion as I asked, and I'll join in if I can. What you're describing in the comments here certainly sounds bad (centralization, etc), but your reply is confusing me as it seems like a "what about ism." As part of a BP, I haven't voiced support for anything you're describing or agreed to any proposal that would increase centralization.

You are arguing with the wrong person about the wrong issue. There is a much bigger threat at hand.

Okay, but I didn't think this post was centrally about your concerns regarding a referendum proposal. I was responding to the idea that the problem EOS has is it needs a centralized UX/UI design. I disagree. That's it.

The real threat to DPoS based systems is and always has been voter apathy.

STEEM has 70% voter engagement by token (not including Steemit, inc holdings as they do not vote). I do a report on this every month.

Please don't confuse "Steemit" with STEEM. They are different and neither STEEM nor BitShares has failed. In fact, by transaction volume, they are the most successful blockchains on the planet by far:

Steem has many, many more projects on it than just Steemit.

What are you doing to fix this @lukestokes?

This and mention of my "inflation rewards as a Steem witness" sound like a personal attack. Is that your intention? For a detailed reply to your question, I'd have to explain my perspetive on what Steemit, inc is doing right now. I don't think their focus is on in it's current form but Hivemind ("Communities"), AppBase, HF20, SMTs, and other things. is just a reference implementation of the Steem blockchain. I could go into more details, but it would be tangental to the original thread here which was about a proposed problem and solution for EOS.

isn't dictated purely by those who have the most stake.

That's DPOS though. To change that, I think we'll have to change DPOS in some way.

I agree, both the BitShares DEX and (the main thing people think of when they think of Steem) were created mostly by engineers who may not understand good design. That is changing. My friend @billbutler has been actively improving the BitShares DEX, and it's much better now than it has ever been. As for STEEM, there are many other interesting, well designed sites like,,, and so many more. I take issue with you saying DPOS chains have failed because the evidence I see says otherwise.

Let's stick to one topic at a time. If you want me to engage with the referendum discussion, please send me a link, and I'll engage.


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