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RE: Dawn 1.0 Released

in #eos7 years ago

Excellent! I've built out EOS a couple times but haven't really tried developing any contracts yet as I don't really know C++ (though I plan to learn it just for this). I guess I'll be building it again soon. :)

One thing I was thinking about (which you made extra clear in this post) was how you may deploy the best blockchain the world has yet seen... and it may go unused. I sometimes feel that way about BitShares and STEEM. They are incredibly performant with amazing features and zero transaction fees and yet much of the blockchain space and big companies out there seems to ignore them.

Will the same happen to EOS? Is it enough to just build an amazing platform if no one takes advantage of it?

I hope builds some important enterprise partnerships to ensure the big companies who want to get into this space take full advantage of this Ferrari you're building instead of getting stuck with a Pinto performance-wise on some other chain.


I think has a really big stack of ETH to fund awesome projects which are going to be build on EOS. The fact that user are not paying for transactions is another big deal in my view. With this release of Dawn 1.0 is showing that they are really care about developers. have been selling their ETH daily. They do not hold any ETH from the sales. They convert to USD daily.

They will have a shed load of USD by the end of the ICO. They already funded development with private equity and they will be using the funds from the token sale to develop businesses on top of eos

I can't wait to see what they build

What is ? Do you have more informations about it ?

go to website

Can you upvoet me.please😍

Voet me and i voet you

bernie and his bots really hate you! did you steal his cookie at lunchtime? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜

Steem is objectively being used more than any other blockchain network.

We've been near the top of a bull market and hype cycle for quite a while recently. It's a pattern of irrational bubbles that resources are misallocated to the projects with the most hype. It's the bear market that will separate the projects which are solving real problems from those that are not.

You'd think so and that the separation would translate into token value, right? So far I'm still waiting to see it happen.

No, I would not expect that to happen in an efficient manner. Especially not in a market like this. Extended bull markets are terrible for malinvestment.

Hoping for that too Luke... it being annoying to see stupid stuff being invested by people when the "real" thing... just does not get it... sound like the world just wants money instead of progress. You would be surprised what actually really works is in the other way around... it is just a matter of time.

I can't imagine eos not being used. Steem and bitshares are built for specific use cases. That might be one of the reasons why they don't compete with say ethereum. On EOS you can build all kinds of applications, which combined will bring a lot of usage to the blockchain. I think EOS will at least match ethereum in popularity and then it should naturally overcome it, since applications built on top of it will be much faster and better in all kinds of other ways.

I'm in a similar position regarding C++. Looking at the example contracts, I think I understand just about enough to get started, whilst I learn whatever else is necessary. Looking forward to trying it soon.

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