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RE: An EOS Smart Contract for Block Producer Information

in #eos6 years ago

No, it has nothing to do with anything we've built at all. I only want what's best for EOS.

I completely agree storing on chain makes more sense than storing on individual websites for a number of reasons. Ask @jesta to share the chat I had with him yesterday for more details. I'm kind of stuck in the middle a bit because I agree what you are doing is a worthwhile improvement, but I'm working through concerns of my own team, so I'm bringing those concerns as questions to you (even if they aren't ones I personally, passionately care much about).

I've spent way too much time arguing both sides of this (it really has become a bike shed). I'm happy to put our data on there and plan to do so (even if some on my team aren't excited about the idea). I think they prefer going from bp.json on websites straight to a well-defined, on chain standard. If app developers switch locations from website to onchain, that is a coding change which they will have to make and if they are already making that change, then the thinking here is should think about if there's a better, well-designed standard and on-chain approach beyond just a blob of json. Again, I'm not too concerned about it personally, but the idea is that some temporary fixes end up sticking around for a long time and then become difficult to remove in the future if too many systems are relying on the legacy approach. Removing the legacy approach later then breaks those applications. If we can void adding something we know will be a legacy approach soon, that's a good thing. It might be best to do it right the first time instead of having an intermediary approach. Unless we think this JSON is the best way to do it?

Maybe Michael Yates, You, Aaron, and myself can jump on a call soon to work out a standard we can propose to the community so we don't end up supporting two things on chain and instead only have one thing on chain. If we think storing this data as json on chain is the best solution and what we will do so for years to come, then it's great and we can just use this. If we think there's a better way to do it within EOS, maybe we can come up with that fairly quickly and do that instead.

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