I just sold off all my EOS

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

Better Safe than Sorry

The warning signs have always been there

But now they seem to be developing faster, deeper and with far more intertwining tendrils. We have Thether connections, Bitfinex, Block Producer collusion's, I mean really, wasn't crypto supposed to be trust-less and de-centralized at it's core?

In my opinion, getting out of Thether, Bitfinex, EOS is a matter of better safe than sorry... I exchanged it for a BTC (which is the easiest to also liquefy if needed).

The newest revelation of the Chinese Block Producers:

Recently, an internal excel document from Huobi (one of the BPs) is circulating in the Chinese community. This file documents the collusion, mutual voting, and pay-offs that occur amongst the Chinese BP community. -Maple Leaf Capital (Twitter: https://twitter.com/MapleLeafCap/status/1044958643731533825)


It is time to think about the future folks

What will survive long term, have liquidity and of course have integrity... these high claims, beefed up numbers, scams (remember Bitconnect). Will we allow greed and hype form our future, or will we get back to solid basics, due diligence and really see the current market for what it is "The Wild West"?

The hope of EOS for me was high, I received many an airdrop, which I retained for possible future sell off (if I can find an exchange to actually accomplish it)... but no sweat as I did not purchase these. But I see as these markets and all things financial, political, social and theological break down, I prefer to HODL, Prepare and not be blindly immersed in any of it.

Back to basics for me


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: steemitimages

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