Sign up for an ONO invite, it will be a wonderful compliment to Steemit!

in #eos6 years ago

Hello lovely people of Steemit, I'm sure you've probably seen some posts floating around about the new social network called ONO. The release date was pushed back and is currently slated for mid July.

What is Ono?

If you already know you can skip this section, but for those who don't I'll give you a quick rundown.

In theory Ono has many similarities to Steemit. It is a decentralized social network but will run on the EOS network. It will reward users for their content in ONOTS. Despite these similarities there are a few differences:

  • Ono will have an end to end encrypted chat built in
  • It will be geared towards being more of a social network than a blogging site meaning there will be the ability to choose who you share content with with friend/public options
  • Ono will support evergreen content, payouts will occur daily but posts can be voted forever. This is great for content creators who make timeless work!
  • Identity verification- I have seen some concerns floating around about the need to verify. I understand that many people want to use platforms anonymously for various reasons. On Ono both options are there. Verified users will have increased reputation and ability to vote in referendums. This mechanism is in place to prevent one person creating 50 accounts and having more sway.
  • Ads- There will be an advertising market in place but users may choose to opt in/out. That way advertising money goes straight to content creators if they choose to participate.

TLDR Video:

If you would like to get on the list to receive an invite click the link and fill out this for: ONO Invite

Please note that you won't receive the invite until the app launches!

I am excited to have another venue for all the amazing content creators here to grow, network and get supported for their content!

Lastly here is a sneak peek of the Dapp interface:

Looks very nice!



I'm curious so I signed up. Thanks for telling! :D

The evergreen content voting is going to give content creators a major boost, no more dreadful sinking feeling on day #6 when it looks like the majority of the crowds have missed one's hard work...

Advertising is a great idea too.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Steem long-term, however I want to also be part of a platform where there's less of an impossibly difficult hierarchy to climb :D

@overkillcoin I'm glad to see that you might join too :D Might get inspiration for non spam related content xD

Not funny... Just tired of these jackass bot-owners that won't blacklist spammers...

Sry :/
I'm on a begging spree! Asking inactive Steemians to delegate me some SP. Little desperate I know, but it's my Steemit bday in 2 days :3
I'mtired of being a plankton giving out 0.02$ upvotes to awesome posts :(

I'll let you know once I find an inactive Steemer! :D

Thanks :D that wont be too hard xD unless you unfollowed them all.

I am excited for Ono too :)

I'm just looking forward to fairness in general. An environment of cancerous greed is forcing me to diversify platforms unfortunately. That was never part of my plan...

Yes.. some very greedy & unethical people are here.

totally agree. Looks like a really exciting new platform, and should hopefully encourage more ACTUAL quality and not so much disposable drivel....hopefully ;)

Interesting, this is the first Im hearing of this, I'm so out of the loop haha

Hello @juliakponsford,
let's hope there will be no mass immigration from Steemit to ONO, and if so, let's hope they will treat us well and don't put us in cages 😜😜😜
Never let us lose humor and hope.
Best regards

if you verify your identity, can you at least use a pseudonym to hide this from people online?

Interesting question I am still trying to get some clarification, I'll let you know as soon as I find out!

Based on some quasi-insider knowledge, yes.

While our Super Partner identities are required to be public, regular users control their privacy completely. Yes, you can use a pseudonym. Your identity verification is only used as a guarantee that your vote counts. It is not shared. Some levels of verification are optional but to use the full assortment of features in ONO they are required. However, If you want to campaign to become a part of the governance system of ONO you must give up that anonymity and voted by your peers.

You had me at evergreen content! What I share can live on (and earn) past 6 days!

Oh I think I will like that site, much like the other site I'm writing for where evergreen posts earn money too. Cool!

Will check it out when I can. :D

I’ve got a little stash of eos.... and hadn’t heard of this yet. Definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the heads up Julia!

Would love to try it

Wow sounds really interesting, I'll be pending when they launch that social network will be fun to invest time in these activities! Thanks for the information

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