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RE: Seeking Co-founders for ~ AWOO!

in #eos7 years ago

I thought... it is a great idea. Very cool. I come here because your recent comment on telegram EOS group.

I'm an Android developer.

Also I'm very interested on EOS, I hold some coins. But regarding the development I don't know how to code for EOS. I think it will be very simple I don't know, then I want... to learn first about it. Can you give some tips?

I want to know more:

  • what are the economics of the mutton? I mean if it has a fixed number of coins, or it has an inflation, or it is like the steem power (vests) minted by awooo. How it works.
  • Are you a developer? What is your role in the project.

Thank you so much for posting @jga

I think that Mutton will have great similarities as Steem as a crypto token. Yes there will be inflation. New Mutton will be created as new users (pups) join and grow into regular users. The larger the network grows the more Mutton is created. User activity also has to be in the equation for how much Mutton will come into existence each day. These new user accounts can not just be created and then be earning mutton.

Since I made the initial video... (Which was way too long. I will be creating shorter videos as we discover things through discussions just like this). ... I have been contemplating how to handle the sock puppet problem. Meaning one user making several accounts and voting for himself. And collecting all the mutton that he earns just from pups growing into wolves. Oh, and also taking advantage of the affiliate program; getting paid for 1000 fake users joining! Yeah this would be a problem...

Anyway.... the solution could be a meeting in 'meatspace' versus cyberspace. For instance, for an account to be verified a real 'wolf', the owner of that account would have to meet with TWO wolves in real life and 'lick faces'. (lol I love this terminology) This could be done in organized meetups in metropolitan areas, or wolves could organize their own one on one meetings. I think though that the entire network would have to be meshed together from a central known person. In the book 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' that central person was a computer named Mike. And everyone in the network knew just two other people.

There are other advantages to this 'Face Licking' feature. And that is if the shit hits the fan the network could be resurrected from the 'on paper' connections of individual users.

Such a feature is a huge pain in the ass for users to do, however. I understand that many people are introverts like myself and do not want to go out and meet others. So this would not have to be done right away. Only before you go and withdraw Mutton perhaps. People can create sock puppet accounts but they can't ever spend Mutton or transfer it anywhere until their faces are licked; until they are known to be individuals...

OK now, what's to stop people from going to a meetup in each Country in the world or even every city in a nation and create and verify a new user account? Well, nothing. This is very possible but it does have some expense, at least.

The cost of new account creation... since there will be an affiliate program built in right off the start. It could be the Referal account that subsidizes the mutton which is used for the new user's bandwidth. Let's say that a Pup needs 50 Mutton off the start to have enough bandwidth to function and make it through Wolf School and become a full member of the network. Well then, this 50 Mutton can be deducted from the Referers account (kinda like a sponser) and if the user completes all of the steps... only then will the referer receive her 500 Mutton tokens as their affiliate reward.

Sorry Iga, I got off topic. You were asking about mutton and how it works. And if it was inflationary. In short, Mutton is inflationary, but the creation of new Mutton is tied to user growth and user activity. There is likely lots more to think about the subject and write about later.

Am I a developer? No. I am not smart enough.

What is my role in the project? I had the idea. I want to see it built.

I will do everything I can to make it happen so long as the market actually want it.

The idea will surely change, at least a bit, as new people ask questions and make suggestions.

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