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RE: EOS token registration? 5 Steem bounty

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure it's politically correct to link a reddit discussion, but I think it's the most appropriate source for the case:

How to register/claim your EOS tokens before June 2018

If you have not done so, you will need to create a new pair of EOS public and private keys and register them with an Ethereum address. This only needs to be done once.

On or around June 1, 2018 all EOS Tokens will become frozen and non-transferable on the Ethereum blockchain. Not long after, I suspect that EOS community members will create a snapshot of token balances that carry over onto a new community generated and selected EOS blockchain. will not be launching EOS blockchains or operating any of their nodes. Additionally, this is a community subreddit unaffiliated in an official capacity with block.oneI hope you can be useful,

I hope it can be useful! ;)


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