HelloEOS Continued its "Hello EOS, Hello Friends" National Roadshow and Hosted the Second Meetup in Beijing.

in #eos6 years ago

On August 11, HelloEOS continued its "Hello EOS, Hello Friends" national roadshow and hosted the second meetup in Beijing. The guests from Cocos, SheLeaders, EOS Store, PDJ Education, Chaince, Bitpie Wallet, Cobo Wallet, BCpress, Ning Talk on Blockchain, and ADD shared their views on the topics of EOS technical concept, DAPP incubation, blockchain game application, community governance, community ecosystem, wallet security and market investment. A special guest from EOS Nation, a BP based in Canada, also participated in this event.


Zicen from HelloEOS:"Hello EOS Hello Friends" is an Open Platform.


Zicen Introduced the grades EOS mainnet have got during the last two months: the peak of transaction per second (TPS) reached 3590 times / sec; block number reached to more than 9 million have surpassed than those of Ethereum; the number of account has been more than 270,000; the number of DAPP has been more than 200. Zicen indicates that the developing of EOS depends on the capability of EOS ecosystem. The appreciation of EOS tokens depends on the quality and quantity of these DApps and how many flow capital they can bring in. The series of "Hello EOS! Hello Friends! " national roadshow will serve as an open stage for more EOS eco-partners to show themselves here. He hopes to attract more EOS eco-partners to come together to prosper the EOS ecosystem.

Zicen, the "milk king", indicated that no program's success relies on telling jokes, shouting slogans and bragging. Before the launch of the mainnet, there is nothing, so we need such role like "milk king" to take everyone to imagine the future. But after the main network was online, everything turned into real data, and the role of the "Milk King" was no longer necessary. We just need to see what EOS's friends were doing for the EOS ecosystem.


Musika from Sheleaders: To Make the BAT Appear in the EOS Ecosystem.


Sheleaders is a decentralized autonomous female community and an EOS node team with more than 90% female members. Musika says their goal is to enhance women's attention and trust on the EOS community, and to expand the EOS ecosystem to allow for the appearance of BAT in the EOS ecosystem.

Jane from Cocos: A Solution to Effectively Developmenting the Blockchain Games.


Cocos is the leading provider of game development tools and software service in traditional game field. In the developing of blockchain games, Cocos launched the Cocos blockchain expendition (COCOS-BCX), which is a decentralized application and digital assets producing, managing and trading platform, based on Graphene framework and the improved DPoS consensus mechanism.

Jane describes what Cocos has done for the development of block-chain games in the last few months.

  • Official Blockchain Kit: wallet, browser and trading system;
  • Third party games and trading platform;
  • Interflow are achieved in assets, rules and pending orders of each platform;
  • Improved atomic mechanism and contract system;
  • Based on heterogeneous digital assets to support game ecology; In the area of community and eco-cooperation, COCOS has established an open source technology community with 1.12 million developers and has developed eco-partnerships with Helloeos, SlowMist, YOYOW and bitshares.

Wang Chengsong from Eos.Store: Smart Contract Development, Kylin Test Network, EOS Sidechain and Tokens Revolution.


EOS Store is currently focusing on technology development. Wang shared around the topics of EOS Smart Contract Development, Kylin Test Network, EOS Sidechain and Tokens Revolution.
EOS.Store is currently working with some other nodes on the standards for the smart contract development on EOS. Kylin test network which was launched jointly by technicians from EOS.Store, EOS bixin, and Huobipool is under operating. Its main significance is to provide development testing environments for developers.

Sidechain is the preferred solution of the problem on the high cost of the DAPPs in the mainnet. In the future, high-class DAPPs will run in the mainnet, and some of the low-class DAPPs will run in the sidechain.
The tokens revolution is the tokenlization reform for some traditional industries. Although the future of token revolution is not certain, but this is a good direction.

Gaoye from PDJ Education: The EOS Architecture, Wallet, and Smart Contract from the Technology Developer's Perspective.


Bitcoin is the global account; the Ethereum is the global computer; EOS is the global operating system. The 21 BPs in the EOS architecture appear to be centralized, but their data differs from that of traditional centralized nodes, because every node in EOS memorizes the same data. The essential difference between the smart contracts of EOS and Ethereum is that EOS' smart contract can be upgraded.

Wu Zizhen from Chaince : For Long-term Strategic Investment, EOS is the Best Option.


Why EOS is the best choice for long-term investment? Wu Zizhen analyzed that the largest market of blockchain application is the DAPP market. The market's biggest constraint is lacking of high-performance base layer of mainnet. Eosio is the best choice among these base layers mainnet system, because it has the scalability, flexibility, usability. EOS Token is the value bearer of EOS core resources and brand consensus. Therefore, the long-term configuration of EOS Token will greatly share the development dividend of the blockchain industry application. Wu Zixiang introduced that the Chaince is a trading platform focused on the EOS ecosystem, and he believes the market needs a platform to meet and carry the explosion of EOS ecosystem.

Wang Chao from Bitpie: the EOS Ecological Road of a Wallet.


Wang said: "Only a safe wallet is qualified to talk about ecosystem. It has been 5 years since the wallet was born, helping one hundred thousand of users around the world safely keep up with millions of bitcoin without any security incident," he said. In the aspect of EOS ecosystem, the whole ecosystem service matrix will be built around EOS, including display platform, application platform, resource platform and open platform. Meanwhile, Bitpie will strengthen its external cooperation through partnership programs, eco-alliances and eco-funds.

Yves La Rose from EOSnation : Focusing on the Education and Promotion of EOS.


Eosnation is the EOS node from Canada, mainly in the education and promotion of EOS, and their biggest project is to work with Chinese nodes and teams to connect the differences between the east and west and to do some connectivity work for the east-west community

Panel: How Do We Look up the Role BM Played in the Community? How EOS would be Like if BM Left?


BM is a genius, but he is not good at the community governance. BM is required at the early stage of EOS, because the community need a leader and a group of core developers to complete a quick technical iterations. It will be greatly affected, if BM left EOS at gowing phase of EOS. But if BM left when the EOS community is mature, the influence will be small. BM is a developer and he developed a lot of projects, such as BitShares, Steemit and EOS. But the defference between EOS and the previous two is EOS is a base layer of a mainnet. The new project BM will develop in the future must base on EOS.



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