Thats it, it is over... I sold all my crypto currency and withdrew.. Thanks

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

Well I should have quit when I was ahead but the degenerate gambler in me didn't let me, either did EOS which continued to drop time and time again and like a deranged junky I kept on buying into it thinking it would go back up. I guess there was a lot more people still hodling from the ICO than I first thought that were still able to sell at a profit even at $2.00. Nevertheless thank god that chapter of my life is behind me. All those videos on YouTube were so reminiscent of my Amway days, I do not know if any of you are familiar with Amway, but this cryptocurrency game kind of wreaks of the same shit, if you know what I mean. Positive reinforcement, were gonna make it rich guys, group hug, all the while the same guy is really putting the screws to you in the background.

Hopefully with this stuff behind me I can actually get a good nights sleep and never ever log back on to my Kraken account again. I don't give a fuck how high it goes, I am not going to make my money off the suffering of other people. That's just outright mean and bad karma. I hope a lot of these crypto millionaires crash their Lambo's in to a wall, because they are destroying lives in the process. Remember, the universe has its way of paying you back.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my posts through this trying process, though I would have been a lot happier leaving when I was up over $10,000. I am happy to leave with the pittance I came with . I should have know better knowing my luck, but hopefully I was able to pay for a month or two of @dan 's Lamborghini payments or maybe a mortgage payment of one of his fellow henchmen, either way peace out. Never again. Least we forget. Fuck my life. eos.png


EOS is speculative asset. Their ICO's are still ongoing for a year. It would be wise just to HODL this coin for up to a year or longer. This is very long long term asset, and you don't have enough funds to properly invest for this one. I am afraid to say it, but maybe crypto isn't your specialty in your life? We all have different strengths and crypto is not for you maybe. Best of luck developing your passion.

It's not easy money, if you can't make it ;)
There's no such thing as easy money.
The more skills you have, the more money you make.

"I don't give a fuck how high it goes, I am not going to make my money off the suffering of other people. That's just outright mean and bad karma. I hope a lot of these crypto millionaires crash their Lambo's in to a wall, because they are destroying lives in the process."

Not sure if I understand this, are you saying if you buy on red days you are destroying lives?

Look at my blog that Dan himself jumped in and flagged to hide from public view. Obvious ponzi scheme is obvious.

Unfortunately that Bitcointalk thread has been debunked over and over. is a software development company, for which they intend to deploy applications onto the EOS blockchain. The funding for existed before the crowdsale started. It would therefor be in their economic interest to ensure success of the platform. Additionally, Bitcointalk thread you're linking goes through great lengths to ignore a few indisputable facts, ones I don't have to time nor energy to provide for you. These have been a few legalistic interpretations of the purchase agreement.

In regards to the ad hominem arguments about @dan, the claim that he "jumps from one project to the next" without "finishing" them is blatantly false, in fact so false it's painful to read it. If anything, he's held true to his word. It was his plan from the very beginning to leave Bitshares. After all, it is a decentralized autonomous company, and no one man should have influence over it's success. Bitshares is now one of the most profitable, functioning, decentralized companies in the space. With the STEEM blockchain, while I don't agree with the distribution as is stained the platform with a "contentious launch," he also had the same plan from the get go. Build an idea, get it running and then bounce. Since then, numerous hardforks that he would have opposed were passed, and despite having the power to vote against them, allowed the community to make the mistakes and recover from them as a community. This has made the community stronger.

Dan has been talking about launching a smart contract platform since 2013, maybe 2014. But unlike Vitalik, he wanted to have more experience and some proof of concepts under his belt before he designed a protocol. Bitshares was his first dip into a DAC/DAO. Steem was a lesson in user adoption, usability and scaling. With these lessons, he can move onto EOS, which is not solely himself. It's composed of numerous figures with longstanding reputations in numerous crypto circles of varying technologies, some of them with less favorable histories, but the same could be said about many of the people in and out of Ethereum Foundation the past several years.

Either way, if something doesn't sit right with you than good on you for acting on your instinct and not falling into an echo chamber. Your post was likely buried because it's a false narrative that's been disproven, it factually misrepresents the project and is a tiring myth to deal with.

Thanks for a professional reply and not just flagging to hide my post. We all have our own opinions. My blog wasn't false narrative, it was questioning the validity of the post made on Bitcointalk. It'd be stupid of me to blindly throw money at a project without research and questions.

My mistake, I intended to imply that the post perpetuates a false narrative, not that your post was a false narrative. Had the post had a more neutral tone, it may not have struck a cord.

It'd be stupid of me to blindly throw money at a project without research and questions.

100% agree, and fully support and embrace your skepticism and desire to question a narrative.

No worries. The best way to see if a project or company is legit is how they respond to negative skepticism. Dan flagged my blog to hide it from public view gave me my answer.

he did the same to me. Down voted me with his 4 million in steem and took what little pittances I was getting from the post

4 million? Last time I checked it was 7 million. Looks like he's cashing out some already.

I fully understand your feelings. Also had a bad EOS week after a super start monday morning. I decided to stay and to do this trading in a more rational way. If this is even possible :)

NOOOOO ! =( Take advantage to Buy . This this the last time you're going to see everything this low after the corrections !

With this type of attitude, you will go very far in life. Keep it up!

I hope you find peace.

I am unable to understand what really you are trying to say.

It would be interesting to understand what you meant in that post. If I understand anything is that you went with the hype like every other not doing your research, sheep following instinct people, panicked and sold your tokens.

Well I can buy a lot more back now that its tanked even further

Yes everything will tank until a long time after the hardfork. Bitcoin is controlling the value of all cryptos. But the future of the crypto market is bright. The underlying tech "blockchain" will keep this market going for many years from now.

Ha ha everything tanked since making this decision. I was right for once

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