We were featured in Jinse Finance!

in #eos6 years ago


A couple days ago we were contacted by Jinse Finance for an interview. The interview came out today :D

Interview Link

We thank Jinse Finance for the hard work into translating the interview into chinese and for their amazing coverage of the BP campaign.

Here's the translated version:

Jinse Finance: Why did you join the EOS Super Node Campaign?
We are a team of crypto-enthusiasts and EOS supporters who have been following EOS.IO development since its first releases by contributing with discussion, tests, and offering open-source tools for the community, such as a control panel for other Block Producers, a sandbox environment for developers and a tool to map and optimize network topology.
We surely see EOS as the future of blockchain technology, in terms of scalability, flexibility and usability. So, we joined the campaign to be a cornerstone in this change and help ensure EOS and blockchain widespread adoption.

Jinse Finance: Talk about your advantages.
Located in Brazil, EOS Rio contributes to the geographical and cultural distribution of the EOS network, which is an important feature of a reliable and robust Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) network.

Our team is well diversified, ranging from developers to education professionals.

EOS Rio is led by Rede Entropia, an Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Lab and Startup Accelerator, in Rio de Janeiro. Everything we do in our daily life is focused for blockchain and AI projects. This has given us a lot of experience and practice over time, and Rede Entropia support provide stability for the initiative. We already have multiple Blockchain projects under development using EOS.

Jinse Finance: If you win the campaign, how will you contribute to EOS network’s development?
The purpose of a block producer goes far beyond producing new blocks. In addition to ensuring network infrastructure, the block producers should:
• Contribute to the community in an active way;
• Serve as an access point for end-users and developers;
• Develop new tools to help the network;
• Be transparent and resolve conflicts with seriousness.

That’s why, regardless of winning, we want to help foster the EOS environment on 4 fronts:

Tools & Dapps Development: we are developing a series of open-source tools for the community. We have already created a tool for developers to help them build and test smart contracts – The EOS.IO Dev Playground. We have also made applications to help other block producers, such as the EOS Node Governor (a process manager, control panel and api proxy for EOS nodes and the EOS Beat (a network metrics tool for EOS networks, based on Elastic’s Beats);
EOS.IO Startups Accelerator: we will provide financial, technical, legal and business assistance for startups interested in EOS.IO projects;
Education: we have been organizing several online/offline events like meetups, workshops and courses about EOS. We have already held 2 meetups and we have a hackathon and C++ course on the way;
Community Help & Support: we actively participate in the network, helping with issues and answering questions on different forums.

Jinse Finance: Some people think EOS is not completely decentralized, what is your opinion about this?
This is a point of philosophical discussion within the crypto community. Some people view EOS as centralized because there are only 21 block producers, instead of a whole network of miners in a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus blockchain. However, some people think PoW blockchains are, in fact, more centralized because they are controlled by a few large mining pools.

There is no answer to which consensus mechanism is better - it's a question of what you're choosing to sacrifice in the tradeoff between decentralization vs scalability vs security.

EOS focus on scalability and therefore, has chosen a route that is less decentralized in a protocol level. However, the degree of decentralization achieved by 21 block producers in the EOS architecture is still sufficient and robust. Besides, the block producer’s election is an ongoing process, and those in power can change at any time if the community judges best.

The true power resides within the community choices. Thus, EOS ends up being far more decentralized on a governance level, as compared with current active blockchains.

Jinse Finance: Except your team, from your perspective, which teams are more likely to win out?
We have created strong bonds with some teams around the world such as HKEOS, Cryptolions, EOS Cafe, EOS Tribe, EOS Argentina and EOS Sw/eden. We surely see them as groups of great potential, who are actively participating in the community.

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