News & Meetup Segment (Binance, Scammers & more) Episode 3

EOS Go Admins Kev & Bluejays discuss the important News points that happened over the past week.
News Discussions:
- Binance
- John Oliver
- EOS Stock Exchange Proposal
- Cryptocurrency Scammers
Lots of meetups were mentioned during this segment, for areas including:
Dublin, Atlanta, Sweden, Toronto, HongKong, Shenzhen. is LIVE with an interview and other segments every Monday 6:00pm EST/ 2300 UTC.
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Podcast of the show is available! Search for EOS Go on your favorite platform, iTunes link:

Informative video and good news that Binance is going to support the EOS airdrop! Anyway, the best approach is as always, take the tokens out of exchange before the airdrop, register your wallet withe EOS well in advance to avoid dissapointment and wait for the D-Day!