EOS Amsterdam - EOS Telegram - EOS Mainnet BPs Channel Summary - Sep 21st

in #eos6 years ago


WinLin makes an announcement:
“《EOS Smart Contract Development Security Best Practices》 Has Been Published

This collection of security guidelines is led by SlowMist, CryptoKylin group and others participated, combined with the recent security hot issues to explain the actual situation, in which covers security guidelines and descriptions of some known contract vulnerabilities(Numerical overflow, Authorization check, Apply check). This document aims to provide some security guidelines for developers of EOS smart contracts and to build a solid and secure EOS community.”

He gives links, here is the one to English: https://github.com/slowmist/eos-smart-contract-security-best-practices/blob/master/README_EN.md

He end announcement with “If someone has proposal, please commit a pull request, let's maintain together”. He gets thanks.

Jiri Jetmar | EOS Germany|[email protected] asks the question:

Do we know, if B1 is working on parallel execution of smart contracts? Something like speculative executions, transactional boosting, STM and similar approaches. Thx!

He then explains:

“Background - currently the contract execution in EOS is single threaded. Reasons are clear - deterministics validations. At the same time, we can have 50+ cores in our servers. If I include GPUs (SIMD/SIMT), we can have a thousand cores in a shared memory system. Transactional Boostings (https://www.ssrg.ece.vt.edu/papers/tpds_2017.pdf)
is a interesting approach, where not the state mutations are done directly in memory, but are "linearized" using memory-transactions. When transactions collide, they are not added to the block. The validators need to receive some additional informations in the block - a kind of tx-schedule, in order to know in which order the included transactions has to be executed to validate the state.”

Bart Wyatt replies him:

“We have several internal proposals for parallelizing the inner execution of WebAssembly in contracts. There is a significant amount of work to be done to prepare for it and we have found several other good improvements that are more cost effective so far. The short answer is "yes" but I would expect other optimizations to land first.”

Bohdan CryptoLions introduces the game:
“🗿✂️📄 Welcome to Roshambo - Rock Paper Scissors on the EOS blockchain. It's totally free, and 100% fair. It's fun and a great educational tool for Developers learning to write EOS Contracts. We use a two-step process for each move to resolve the problem of spying on opponent moves. Roshambo is opensource. We hope it will help you. Good luck.

Roshambo game in Jungles: http://roshambo.jungle.cryptolions.io/
Roshambo game in Mainnet: http://roshambo.cryptolions.io/”

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