EOS Amsterdam - EOS Telegram - EOS BlockPros Summary - Sep 21st

in #eos6 years ago


Daniel Keyes | EOS Nation
We’ve begun testing the referendum system this week and discovered an issue with the tally system that will require some refactoring. We hope to have that completed in the next week. In the meantime, we’re continuing with testing and working on getting some educational content loaded into eosvotes.io

You should be able to cast a vote and see it get sent to the blockchain. The tally is just unstable, so sometimes the results aren’t reflected in the UI

Roger Davies - EOSUK.io 🇬🇧

Nice and clean I like it. So one vote per wallet? (And yes it didnt update the total votes after I voted, like you say)

Daniel Keyes | EOS Nation
@eosdallas deserves all the credit on the UI design. UI displays number of votes as number of users who voted, but your staked EOS is what counts towards the results

Hi guys. Little update
Paytomat Wallet

Version 1.4 includes EOS-tokens support:

  • you can check the balance and send EOS tokens;
  • there is a catalog of standard tokens;
  • you can add custom tokens.

Just try it now!

iOS - http://bit.ly/iOSPaytomatWallet
Android- http://bit.ly/PaytomatWalletAndroid


Greg Simpson - EDNA
anyone know which endpoints have enabled the console - I need my print output to manage my contract.
Marshall Long bp.fish eboost.fun
Greg that's a damn good question
@BitcoinRootUser does our end point have console enabled
Greg hit the bp.fish endpoint

Node List

node_type: full

location: HongKong, HK

api_endpoint: http://api.bp.fish

ssl_endpoint: https://api.bp.fish


node_type: seed

location: HongKong, HK



p2p_endpoint: p2p.bp.fish:9786

node_type: producer

location: HongKong, HK



My Sr Dev ops guy. (tagged above) might can facilitate assuming no negative security risks

Greg Simpson - EDNA
which BP(s) wants a continuous and permanent outpouring of support from EDNA for all time. Simply install run an IPFS node where our contract uploads are pinned enough to make the data reliably stored, and not charge us a whole ton over what it cost you to run it – not only would we be grateful, but we’d even consider mandating a delegation of BP Voting Power to support the feature (unless that would be considered selling votes – then I never suggested it). We are implementing this on our own – but dependence on a single sever is only robust enough for us short-term. Takers?
Basics on how we're doing this... https://medium.com/@merunasgrincalaitis/how-to-host-your-ipfs-files-online-forever-f0c56b9b5398

ANNOUNCEMENT: Podcast with block producer Rob Finch (Cypherglass) released just now ahead of the hackathon tomorrow:

Roman CryptoLions
We finally have a scientific methodology for any side chain that needs to choose an ABP:

:moyai::page_facing_up::scissors: Rock Paper Scissors on the EOS blockchain!

Welcome to Roshambo - It's totally free, and 100% fair.

It's fun and a great educational tool for Developers learning to write EOS Contracts. We use a two-step process for each move to resolve the problem of spying on opponent moves.
Roshambo is opensource. We hope it will help you.
Good luck.

Roshambo game in Jungles: http://roshambo.jungle.cryptolions.io/
Roshambo game in Mainnet: http://roshambo.cryptolions.io/

GitHub Roshambo Contract: https://github.com/CryptoLions/roshambo-EOS-contract
GitHub Roshambo Frontend: https://github.com/CryptoLions/roshambo-EOS-frontend

P.S. Tutorials coming soon!

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63615.94
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54