EOS Amsterdam - EOS Telegram - EOS Arbitration Public Chat Summary - Sep 24th

in #eos6 years ago


Mike Manderfeen asks the question:

“I was looking at the ECAF budget proposal. How will you pay to scale up if needed? You don't have funds earmarked for that. And at 7K per new arbiter.... it's not like fees can generate that overnight
$7k per arbiter
9 days of training + whatever in house training + recruiting (lets say 3 weeks total)
And each arbiter only brings 74 cases per day worth of capacity (but lets say your current efforts have been inefficient and you can increase efficiency to .9 cases per day per arbiter)
If you guys get back logged by a month it will take you 33 days to complete 30 days of work... so you would need at least 3 new arbiters
You need to have a reserve of at least $21,000 on hand.... just to raise enough arbiter capacity to START training.... 3 weeks later you can now start working on that month + change backlog”.

Sun Tzu answers him:

“That's why there is a budget proposal - because fees can't generate the funds needed overnight.”

Mike Manderfeen inroduces the point:

“Yes.... but the budget doesnt account for scaling. The budget only accounts for boot strap
Thus if scaling is needed... it will need to be paid for 100% by ecaf fees.”

Moti T | ECAF agrees with the oint of the previous speaker:

“Correct. After 6 months we will be able to re-assess based on the data we have gathered to that point.”

Thomas Cox gives link to section of the video (starting at the 6:00 mark) which describes why some sort of ECAF-like institution may be mandatory for EOS to operate effectively:

Mike Manderfeen gives review to the video:
“I enjoyed hearing this. I guess it is which philosophical stance do you root yourself in. One that says our means should be immune to government intervention.... thus stopping govt intervention and systems should be constructed that way. Or One that says if our means should align with governments legal systems.... which will prevent intervention.... thus systems should be constructed that way. Pro’s and cons to each.”

JP - ExploringEOS.com gives link to the article:
“Here's a proposal for a more decentralized arbitration/governance system. I'd love your thoughts! A More Decentralized Arbitration System

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