EOS Sweden: Holistic Approach to Blockchain Information Security.

in #eos6 years ago

Holistic Approach to Blockchain Information Security.

EOS Sweden has industry recognized expertise in Information Security, Privacy, Governance, Legal and Risks Management. We emphasis on fundamental and sound principles of Information Security in all aspects (ISO 27001/2, 27017, 27018, CSA CCM, EU GDPR, etc.); including but not limited to:

  • People (Awareness, Culture, Ethics)
  • Processes (including Governance, Audit & Fraud Detection, Data Breach Notification process)
  • Technology (including Vulnerability Scanning, OWASP, Pen Testing, Fraud Detection, Forensics, Auditing)
  • Environment
  • Legislation (including Compliance, EU GDPR, EU-US Privacy Shield, Swiss-US Privacy Shield, China Cyber Security Legislation)
  • Geo-Politics, Organization, etc.

EOS Sweden.jpg

Source: EOS Sweden

EOS Sweden has a vision to become a well recognized productive player in the field. We aim to become a hub for Companies, Entrepreneurs, Governments, Public Safety & National Security Organizations, Developers, and Global Communities. EOS Sweden would like to build sound infrastructure and beneficial decentralized applications on top of EOS.IO.

We believe that everyone can contribute and benefit from EOS.IO. Let's we all work together for the greater good and well-being of all global and local societies.


👉 Don't invest more than you can afford to lose!
👉 Perform Self Due Diligence!
👉 We are not Investment Advisers, nor giving any Financial & Legal Advice!
👉 You are 100% responsible for all investment decisions that you make.





"It is necessary that people work together in unison toward common objectives and avoid working at cross purposes at all levels if the ultimate in efficiency and achievement is to be obtained."Dave Packard

Our Shared Values includes, but not limited to:

  • Transparency: Our culture is "Default to Transparency". We will be completely open and transparent. Our issues (positives and negatives) will be put out there for the community and world to see.

  • Trust and Respect for Individuals: We work together to create a culture of inclusion; which is built on trust, respect and dignity for all.

  • Achievement and Contribution: We strive for excellence in all what we do. Each one of your's & our's contribution is critical to EOS success.

  • Education and Meaningful Innovation: Education (Awareness & Training) is the key for EOS echosystem to succeed and to play a major role in global economy. We will also support useful and significant initiatives in this industry.

  • Speed and Agility: We are resourceful and adaptable. We will achieve results faster than our competitors.

  • Uncompromising Integrity: We are open, honest and direct in our dealings.

  • Global Citizenship: We understand our responsibility to global society by being an intellectual, social, and economic asset to each country and local community independent from any discrimination.


We welcome anyone who is EOS.IO Blockchain Enthusiast and is willing to positively contribute for the greater good within EOS blockchain ecosystem. We fully support the EOS blockchain ecosystem constitution that enables the protection of the stakeholders (including, but not limited to: EOS individual token holders) who are part of the valid chain.

As top priority, our role is both to produce block and secure the EOS blockchain ecosystem. We will play an integral role for the awareness, education and future growth of EOS echosystem.

Bribes and Buying Votes:

  • We have strong policy "against" bribes and paying money to buy votes. We do "not" accept any sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone.

Giving Back:

  • We will give back to the community by Education, Awareness Activities and Meaningful Innovation. We will use part of surplus revenue to support and develop innovative DApps to help global and local communities. As we grow with time, depending on circumstances, we will also focus on developing innovative "surplus revenue sharing models" within the applicable legal and ethical boundaries.



"It is necessary that people work together in unison toward common objectives and avoid working at cross purposes at all levels if the ultimate in efficiency and achievement is to be obtained."Dave Packard

Our Shared Values includes, but not limited to:

  • Transparency: Our culture is "Default to Transparency". We will be completely open and transparent. Our issues (positives and negatives) will be put out there for the community and world to see.

  • Trust and Respect for Individuals: We work together to create a culture of inclusion; which is built on trust, respect and dignity for all.

  • Achievement and Contribution: We strive for excellence in all what we do. Each one of your's & our's contribution is critical to EOS success.

  • Education and Meaningful Innovation: Education (Awareness & Training) is the key for EOS echosystem to succeed and to play a major role in global economy. We will also support useful and significant initiatives in this industry.

  • Speed and Agility: We are resourceful and adaptable. We will achieve results faster than our competitors.

  • Uncompromising Integrity: We are open, honest and direct in our dealings.

  • Global Citizenship: We understand our responsibility to global society by being an intellectual, social, and economic asset to each country and local community independent from any discrimination.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60754.63
ETH 2349.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53