Q&A - Why You Should Vote On The EOS Blockchain

in #eos6 years ago

Alexandre Bourget of EOS Canada reviews the key reasons you should vote if you are an EOS token holder.
Please review our article Everything You Need To Know About Voting On EOS for some further explanations.


This is a small series about frequently asked questions. Questions we've seen on our telegram channel, on Twitter, and everywhere.

We're answering today "Why should I even vote? Why vote?" I'm going to give you a few reasons as to why you should vote.

Voting is how you can influence who is going to be on the hook to run the chain. Who is going to be a custodian of the network. And you want to have people there that are very competent technically, because if there's anything going on with the chain - some bugs that come out, or new features come out - they will be the ones deciding where the network goes. How patches are applied, how to synchronize those applications. Do we stop the chain, do we freeze it for five days, or do we do some more incremental updates? They need to be very technical and know what they're doing.

Another aspect is the social aspect. These guys will need to work together. 21 will need to be put in a room if there's anything going wrong. They need to be able to work together be good community leaders and disseminate the information, be very transparent.

So it is your choice to who you're going to put as custodian of the network you own partly with your EOS. So vote diligently, because the future of this chain depends on those votes and who is going to be managing it.

This article was originally published on eoscanada.com


Thanks for the information. Eos has alot going.

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