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RE: EOS: A BULLISH Trend Reversal is Happening!!

in #eos6 years ago

Great post, even if I disagree. Will you be downvoting comments? When you downvote something that was upvoted, does it destroy value or just redistribute it? I'm unclear on how it works.

I'm not sure people who join the site and see a bunch of downvoting will be more likely to stay, but if you believe their payouts are more important then best of luck.



I'll try to explain it simply, even though the exact mechanisms behind are a bit more complex:

  • every day there is a fixed amount of rewards available to be shared by everyone
  • everyone's upvotes/downvotes reallocate the shares of the pie between all the votes: when you upvote someone's post, more rewards go to him/her, and that much less to everyone else. When you downvote, the opposite happens: less to him/her, more for everyone else. So when haejin rakes $2000+ / day, that is that much less that goes to everyone else. When I downvote his posts, I do not do it in order to "censor" him, but because I believe he's receiving a disproportionate share of the rewards pool that I feel should be given to other deserving people
  • note that I use downvote instead of flag as I believe it better represents what happens, as flag carries a very negative connotation that it doesn't have in the code

As for downvoting comments, I won't be doing that. Hope it makes things a bit clearer.

Seems rational. There's an impact I suppose as there is limited voting power, but since the reward pool is constant it all balances out. Cool thanks for your clear response.

Your approach makes sense to me, and even if I disagree with what posts you feel are getting too much rewards, I can counter with an upvote. Best of luck.


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